How can you lose weight fast and healthy?

Ask: I have tried to lose weight before a few times, and it never works for me like at all. I don’t know what to do, but I want to lose weight fast, and healthy. I wanna lose like a lot of weight in a few months because I

How do you eat healthy and lose weight if you DON’T like vegetables?

Is there anything at all I can try that DOESN’T have any veggies? Ask: I am determined to lose some weight! I’ve been going to the gym but I hate vegetables. Actually, the only ones I like are corn and potatoes and those aren’t really that great. I have

Critical safety hints for post-hurricane Sandy recovery

UL (Underwriters Laboratories), a world leader in advancing safety, offers critical safety information for post-hurricane Sandy recovery in the areas of: Portable generator safety Flood damage Contamination by foodborne illness Using portable generators safely to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning and electrocution: Place the portable generator as far away from

How much weight could you lose if you ate 700 calories per day?

Yea you would lose weight. But its not healthy. Your body will feel like its starving itself and you eventually will feel hungry enough and go splurge somewhere and gain the weight back. However. A 700 calorie diet isnt so bad I think. Sometimes I do it on accident.

Health care’s big four issues: What the justices are tackling!

Author: | Categories: Health Care No comments
Washington (CNN) — The Supreme Court in coming days will issue perhaps as many as four separate opinions on the constitutionality of the health care law . The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) was signed into law March 23, 2010, passed by a Democratic congressional majority and championed

How To Get a Really Good Night’s Sleep

Author: | Categories: Health Care No comments
A good night’s sleep really means feeling good at every step of the way. For example, I can pass out pretty happily after a big weekend evening of drinking, but I’ll toss in the middle of the night and awake with a headache that really ruins it all. Sometimes

Tips on How to Become a Fitness Model

While 300-pound pro bodybuilders may look massive and intimidating, it’s the well-proportioned fitness models who are picking up all of the hot women and magazine covers. If you’d like to join these lucky guys in babe paradise, pay attention to our top 10 tips on getting built like a

What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?

Ask: As the weather gets warmer we become more self-conscious about our weight. Since summer is right around the corner it is time to get our fat loss diet in check. What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss? What is a reasonable amount of weight to

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

The issue of belly fat is rampant especially among men and when men has belly fat or abdominal fat, they lose shape and they no longer look fit and sexy. It is to remove belly fat that the six pack abs came to place. There are many ways that

What do you think about the food combining regimen?

Ask: I’ve been trying to learn a little more about nutrition, I’ve encountered with the “food combining” method and the “traditional” balanced meal (pyramid). I’m a little confused about which regimen to follow because with the pyramid regimen you CAN mix carbohydrates and protein which you can’t in the