Tag Archives: calories

How can you naturally optimize protein absorbtion and testosterone production?


Hi eveyone.

I am looking for the most effiecient ways to get the most out of my nutrition and fitness.
I keep fit for hobbies and to feel and look good.

What I am looking for is maybe cooking methods/ingredients to add to meals that maximize protein absorbtion to your muscles/meal timing/types of food timing etc.

Also, what can i add to my everyday lifestyle and food to increase testosterone production. 
And what should i stop doing that decreases test production (like binge drinking)

Thanks a lot for any answers


I lost 80 pounds do this in 3 months.. Eat apples. Here are some helpful tips.

Apples are known to keep the doctor away, but recent studies have shown that three apples a day can also help you lose weight. The effectiveness of three apples a day was first noticed by dietitian Tammi Flynn who advised her clients to have an apple at mealtimes. This enabled her clients to break the weight loss plateau even when their diet and lifestyle wasn’t changed.

Why Whole Fruit is Better
Apples are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber and they are low in fat, sodium and calories. They can make you feel full for longer as the fiber they contain expands in the stomach. Hence, you require less food to satisfy your hunger. Apples should therefore be eaten just before every meal. The fiber is contained in the skin so you should ensure that you always eat unpeeled apples for greater health benefits.
Continue reading How can you naturally optimize protein absorbtion and testosterone production?

Can I lose weight from being a lacto-ovo vegetarian? If so, how much within the summer vacation?

Can I lose weight from being a lacto-ovo vegetarian?


I have been a lacto-ovo veggie for almost about a month now and I’m also hoping to lose weight and get slim for college next year.


Answer 1:

Vegetarianism is NOT one of the weight loss solutions lufe offers as an option.

Remember that our weight depends on the total calories that we eat, which is equivalent to the total food intake we have consumed during the day.

Typical synonym to this phenomena is a Law in Physics: Energy is neither created nor lost. And another formula that follows this rule is: Energy intake minus energy expenditures equals enrgy gains or lost. If you have energy gain, then it is equivalent to weight gain, and on the other hand if you have a negative energy balance, then its a weight loss. Continue reading Can I lose weight from being a lacto-ovo vegetarian? If so, how much within the summer vacation?

How can I lose weight while being a vegetarian?

How to lose weight while being a vegetarian


I am 5’41/2 and 124 lbs and I’ve been a vegetarian for the past two years. Any advice? I don’t want to lose a ton of weight maybe like 7-10 lbs?

I definitely do not want to starve myself and I’m willing to try the vegan lifestyle again- it’s a little hard though and I don’t know if I could handle it too too well when I’m dependant on the food my parents buy.

Thank you so much! Continue reading How can I lose weight while being a vegetarian?

What is the easiest way to burn fat?


Basically I want to know an easy way to burn fat, with excersising and maybe healthy foods?
Are there any foods that burn fat or help you burn fat?
And what is the most effective way to burn fat excersising?


I highly recommend losing the weight slowly and correctly. I guarantee the faster you lose it, the faster it will come right back. The last thing you want to do is crash diet and really mess up your metabolism. Remember, it didn’t take you 3 months to put on all the extra weight, so it definitely will not take only three months to lose it. The safest total weight loss per week is 1 pound. There is 3,500 calories in a pound of body fat, so in order to lose 1 pound, you simply need to create a 500 calorie deficit per day. Over the course of a week, this equals out to 3,500 calories or 1 pound.

The best way to hit this 500 number every day is to create a 250 calorie deficit through your diet and another 250 calorie deficit through cardio exercise. Remember, you want to fuel your body with high nutrient foods and keep your metabolism “stoked” throughout the day. The worst thing you can do is limit your food intake to severely which will cause your body to go into starvation mode and hold onto your body fat reserves. Your body is thinking its getting ready for a period of famine and will hold onto all the energy it can to survive this period. I recommend eating at least 1,500 calories per day and make sure you’re eating “clean” and nutritious food. You want to make sure to eliminate all the excess and empty calories from your daily intake. The best way to do this is to write down everything you eat.

I recommend a general “clean” diet to adhere to. I would focus on lean protein sources (chicken breast, turkey breast, egg whites) and non-white starchy carbs such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta and boiled red potatoes.

I recommend starting on a light exercise program after your medical physical has been completed. You will experience the best results from a solid cardio program along with a nutritious diet when compared to only focusing on your diet.  Continue reading What is the easiest way to burn fat?

Why do I get far better results for fat loss walking looong for 2 hours to 3 hours than anaerobic sprints?


HIIT and anerobic sprinting exercise is SUCH A SCAM for fat loss. For me it does NOTHING AT ALL.

I get thebest results going for a looong slow walk for 3 hours.



It’s not a scam if done properly. However, most people don’t do it properly. And, even if done properly, it makes only a slight difference. You only have about ~100 grams of muscle-based glycogen in your body to replace during “afterburn”, so even though that will require more energy, it’s not so much more that you’ll notice a huge difference. Exercising for fat loss is the wrong way to go about burning fat anyway. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run 24×7 and never burn an ounce of fat if you eat too much. That makes the key to losing fat, diet…proper eating habits.

You’re probably expecting too much from HIIT. It’s is extremely difficult for those short all out burst and quite enervating overall. So, it’s probably not for you.

Here’s a quick 12 mintue HIIT workout which if much better than sprints because it works the whole body both aerobically and anerobically . However, if you don’t want to build muscle, then just walk. All you need to do is burn calories and the way to do that is to move a lot of weight for a long time. That can be done however you prefer from walking to dancing to cycling to swimming, etc.

Read my answer about why exercise is not the key to fat loss

Check out these fat facts.

• If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you have to lose fat eventually. There are no exceptions to this fact.

• A pound of fat will yield about 3500 calories (Kcal) of energy.

• Your body will burn hundreds of calories even if you are in a coma. That’s your BMR. Go here to find out what it is ?

• An average person must run or walk about 5 miles (8 km) every day to burn one pound of fat per week AND THEIR DIET MUST ALLOW IT.
Continue reading Why do I get far better results for fat loss walking looong for 2 hours to 3 hours than anaerobic sprints?

Superfoods for fast weight loss

While there’s no such thing as the perfect diet, there are key foods that research has shown can help you lose weight. These foods work in different ways and for different reasons, but all have in common that people who eat them as part of a weight loss plan lose more weight faster than those who don’t. Here are 5 foods shown in recent studies to help the pounds come off more quickly. More foods to come as the studies come out.

1. Protein

I’m fond of this macronutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and muscle. It’s also a fabulous weight-loss aid, according to a 2005 study from Arizona State University. Protein increased satiety (satisfaction and feelings of fullness) and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn. I love that: three benefits in one. Earlier research also found that people following higher-protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an average of 10 percent (about 200 calories).

2. Raw Fruits & Vegetables

You’ll not only maintain your weight much easier if you eat more RAW fruits & veggies but you’ll also lose weight much faster on a weight loss plan eating more RAW fruits & veggies and here’s another quick fact…

Your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a meal that’s mostly fruits & vegetables than if you ate a meal without any fruits or vegetables plus…

Fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C like Oranges, lemons & pineapples liquefy (or burn off) body fat so the fat can be easily flushed out of your body and you need to eat RAW fruits & vegetables because…

Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.

3. Pistachios

These nuts are the perfect snack for the weight-conscious because they’re high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Don’t be fooled by the “fat” label, either; the fat in pistachios is unsaturated fat, the brain- and heart-healthy type.

Calorie counts are misleading too; not all calories are created equal. Researchers from the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition followed two groups of people on identical low-calorie diets for 12 weeks. One group ate 240 calories worth of pistachios as their afternoon snack,  the other ate 220 calories worth of pretzels. The BMI (body mass indexes) of the pistachio group showed more improvement, and their cholesterol and triglyceride levels dropped as well. While shelled pistachios are more convenient, the longer amount of time required to shell them yourself makes the snack more satisfying. Continue reading Superfoods for fast weight loss

What kind of diet is for Gestational Diabetes?


I think I have the worst doctor. He told me today I have gestational diabetes and asked the nurse to give me some dietary education, but then everyone disappeared and I didn’t get any education at all. I’ve never had this before and have no clue what to do! All they told me was that diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise…. but no info on the kind of diet. we’re going into a holiday weekend so I know I won’t get any appointments with dieticians or specialists until next week or the week after at the earliest. Meanwhile, do you guys have any suggestions of simple foods to eat/diets to follow? Am I supposed to avoid sugar totally?
P.S. I am so angry at my doctor, and feel really guilty about having diabetes. Any suggestions on how to cope would be great!


Answer 1: 

Here are some general guidelines:
• Eat a variety of foods, distributing calories and carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. Make sure both your meals and your snacks are balanced. The American Diabetes Association recommends that you eat three small-to-moderate-sized meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack. Although your meal plan may contain fewer carbs than you normally eat, complex carbohydrates should continue to provide most of your calories.

• Don’t skip meals. Be consistent about when you eat them and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.

• Eat a good breakfast. Your blood glucose levels are most likely to be out of whack in the morning. To keep your level in a healthy range, you may have to limit carbohydrates (breads, cereal, fruit, and milk), boost your protein intake, and possibly avoid fruit and juice altogether.

• Include high-fiber foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and dried peas, beans, and legumes. These foods are broken down and absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates, which may help keep your blood sugar levels from going too high after meals.

• Limit your intake of foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas, and most desserts — or avoid them altogether. These foods can quickly elevate your blood sugar. Ask your healthcare practitioner about using foods sweetened with an artificial sweetener if you need a sweet fix.

• Milk is high in lactose, a simple sugar, so if you drink more than two or three glasses a day, you may need to limit the amount you drink and find an alternative source of calcium. If you’re looking for a new beverage of choice, try club soda with a squeeze of lemon or orange, or unsweetened decaffeinated iced tea.

Moderately increasing your activity level is also a good way to help keep your blood glucose levels at normal levels. Again, speak with your diabetes educator or practitioner about the right amount and intensity of exercise for you. Continue reading What kind of diet is for Gestational Diabetes?

What is the best way to lose weight fast?


Im on a mission to lose between 10 and 15 pounds. Ive been exercising a ton but it seems difficult to drop real weight. Ive made changes in my diet as well. What is the best balance of proteins fruits and veggies as well as other foods? Tips to faster weight loss?
All of your answers are appreciated!


Answer 1:

1 Dietary Balance and reading labels: watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It’s really that simple. This involves some calculation. Eat less and eat at least five meals a day. Your actual caloric requirement can differ depending on your height, weight, activity level and your body’s metabolic rate.

2 Identify your exercise. No exercise was created equal. You might like running, so run. You might like jogging, so jog. You might like stationary bikes, so bike stationary. Find the one that works best for you. Don’t pick a routine that you don’t like and won’t stick with it for long.

3 Try yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways of losing weight. Of course I can’t go into a full lecture about yoga over here but I can tell you that I have never seen people with better-toned bodies than those who practice yoga. One of the benefits of yoga is that you learn to control virtually every muscle and joint of your body so that the issue of weight gain will cease to exist.

4 Photos and Joining online support group : Take before and after photos. There’s no easier way to illustrate your progress. It’s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends helps as they know things that you couldn’t possibly know, and they’ve probably been “in your shoes” at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find one that fits you.

5 Water you waiting for If you’re not drinking enough water, your body will let you know. Thirst is an amazing sensation – quench it. If you’re not hydrated, your body won’t be working at peak levels. If you’re worried about “water weight,” remember that you’re likely to retain more water when you’re not giving your body enough of it in the first place. I’m not going to dictate how many glasses you should drink, though – as that’s going to vary from person to person.

6 Zone out. There’s a reason why people exercise to their favorite music – listening to external stimulus takes your mind off of the physical activity making “exercise time” fly or situate yourself in front of TV or video games involving exercises.

7 Dance Out Do Salsa,tango, swing ,hip-hop dancing etc. Anyone can do it,keep in mind you are dancing to increase your physical activity, so there is no pressure on how well you perform dance. Who knows you might even learn a cool dance move or two

8 Sleep it off. To be an efficient fat-burning machine, If you think that you’re doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you’re mistaken. Give your body time to rest itself, both mentally and physically. Sleep is very, very important.  Continue reading What is the best way to lose weight fast?

Do you gain all the weight back on a low carb diet after falling off the wagon for one day?


I’ve been eating low carb for about 3 weeks and I love it, but I ate 2 bowls of cereal today will all the weight come back after one day? I also keep the calories and carbs low.


A low carb diet should never be a low calorie diet. Low calorie diets convert protein to fuel not leaving any for cellular needs. The first week is just water weight but fat is lost thereafter if you keep your calories high enough. Otherwise the body will strip it’s own lean tissue for nutrition. Although that may look great on a scale it will make it MUCH easier to accumulate fat in the future (since all that pesky lean tissue burning up calories will be gone). The body won’t release fat stores if you lower calories below what it needs. It will slow metabolism to compensate & store every spare ounce as fat. If you continue lowering calories, it will continue lowering the set point, til it can survive off nothing & store fat on anything. The body will only release it’s fat stores if it knows there is plenty of nutritious food.

Carbs create LOTS of water storage, you gain water weight when eating carbs. The first week low carb weight loss is just drained water weight.

You can also cheat easier than someone in glycolysis. IF you trigger insulin, all those carbs that would go to fat cells on someone in glycolysis instead fill up the empty glycogen stores & go to muscles for burning instead of fat cells. Which will slow weight loss but not create fat gain.

There is no reason to ever go off a low carb way of eating, you slowly re introduce carbs to your way of eating and as long as you don’t exceed 9grams of carbs an hour (144 carbs a day) you won’t trigger insulin (the fat storage hormone) no matter the calories. Most of us do low carb most of the time & if we cheat & slip back into low carb the next day. I still cheat with sugar occasionally. It’s just not a regular part of my life (as it was preAtkins, 6 years ago, when I felt it controlled me & I had no control)

The rungs to reintroduction of carbs in 5 gram units – all available to very active people in as little as 11 weeks. Make sure you do them in order & you can skip a rung if you do not intend to include it in your permanent way of eating, such as the alcohol rung.:
* (minimum week 3 – maximum 25grams day) Acceptable vegetables, larger quantities
* (minimum week 4 – maximum 30grams day) Add 5grams Fresh cheese
* (minimum week 5 – maximum 35grams day) Add 5grams Nuts and seeds
* (minimum week 6 – maximum 40grams day) Add 5grams Berries
* (minimum week 7 – maximum 45grams day) Alcohol can be added if desired Continue reading Do you gain all the weight back on a low carb diet after falling off the wagon for one day?

What are some foods I could buy from the market store that is low carb/fat and still will be a meal?


I want to lose some fat and i read the best way to do it was to eat low carbs and low fat with 30 mins of running mon-sat?


A low carb way of eating is a high fat diet, otherwise it becomes a high protein diet & protein should never be used for fuel calories.

If you eat only meats without fuel calories from fats or carbs, then you convert dietary protein to fuel leaving no protein for cellular needs, forcing the body to catabolize it’s own lean tissues. Carbs may be optional, but fuel calories are not but they can come from fat or carbs, but not protein. There are not enough calories in fruits & vegs to fuel the body.

If you don’t keep your calories high enough, the body will strip it’s own lean tissue for nutrition. Although that may look great on a scale it will make it MUCH easier to accumulate fat in the future (since all that pesky lean tissue burning up calories will be gone).

Protein is a very inefficient fuel to use exclusively for long term & the byproducts of the conversion to fuel can be dangerous if they overwhelm the body faster than the body can clear out the nitrogen & ammonia..

Just for example – Someone asked “what if” about a diet of 500g of pure protein (2000 calories a day)

500g protein with no fat would be fatal. Fat is essential but protein without fat will cause diarrhea & then death. So this next bit is only hypothetically speaking. Continue reading What are some foods I could buy from the market store that is low carb/fat and still will be a meal?