I am 32 and overweight, but definitely working it off as much as possible. I want to start trying to conceive in Feb. but I will still have a long way to go with my weight. I am wondering if it will be okay to get pregnant then because I don’t want to be pregnant at too old of an age. I am already concerned that 32 is a little old…. even though I realize women are giving birth at much older ages now.
Answer 1
Here’s some really great info for you. Kudos to you for trying so hard to lose all the weight, the closer you are to your goal weight, the better for you and baby!!
During pregnancy overweight women are subject to risk of miscarriage, preeclampsia, diabetes and hypertension to a greater degree. While heightened sugar content in blood a baby, as a rule, turns to be too big, what fraught with Cesarean section, as during delivery big fetus can cause additional problems for a woman: breakages, bleeding.
You should not think that it is good to give birth to a big baby. You can receive “empty” calories from sugar and receive less important proteins, amino acids and fats. Moreover, big babies are often born prematurely. Doctors note that during recent time there’s just an epidemic of giving birth to big babies, increasing statistics of Cesarean sections beyond the clouds.
Hypertension and preeclampsia often lead to Cesarean section. Heightened blood pressure causes bad penetrability of blood vessels. Sudden increase of blood pressure during delivery can lead to blood-stroke, and baby may receive not enough quantity of blood. Placenta is supplied with blood not enough, fetus does not receive enough nutrition, moreover, you need to remember, that overweight women’s Cesarean section itself is accompanied by certain difficulties because of excesses of abdominal fat.
Overweight women have heightened risk of preeclampsia – toxicosis on late terms of pregnancy. Work of kidneys breaks, hence goes albumen in urine, edemas. Supply of nutritive materials through placenta to baby reduces. Fetus has pre-natal lack of oxygen. In such cases babies with too small weight are born. They may suffer from diseases, connected with defect of brain nutrition: neurologic diseases, convulsive syndromes.
During delivery most typical complications for overweight women are: heightened blood loss, infections of urinary tracts and defect of baby’s shoulders during vaginal delivery. Such babies need help in neonatology department much more often, as a result of problems with nutrition and unstable body temperature.
If you are overweight and are going to have a baby, then future pregnancy – is the best cause to start changing your habits, leading to adiposity: move more and eat right way. Many women succeed in this, as interests of baby health prevail over weak will. Moreover, if overweight women switch to a strict dietary nutrition during pregnancy (but not to starvation), then after delivery they will be able to lose much weight. Risk of complications will be reduced to minimum, if you grow thin in time.
Start from diet: you need to struggle with overweight with help of diets and restrictions even when overweight is not caused by overeating or unbalanced nutrition.
Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole-cereal products, lean meat, non-fat milk produce.
Refuse from sweet drinks and fried dishes.
Eat small portions several times per day.
Forget about eating for two. You don’t need additional calories in the first trimester of pregnancy and about 300 additional calories per day in the second and third trimesters (300 calories – mean, for example, a small jar of yogurt and banana).
Move more: firstly, start walking quite quickly regularly. 20-30 minutes walking a day are completely safe for pregnancy. You need also to do special physical exercises for pregnant.
On average, general weight gain during pregnancy can be from 10 to 15 kg while normal weight, 7-12 kg while overweight and no more than 6 kg while adiposity.
Answer 2:
Overweight decrease the incidence of pregnancy, women could be pregnant safely till early 40 years old
Fertility After Forty
copyright 2000 by Susun S. Weed
The most fertile years of a woman’s life are those between 18 and 28. Even into the mid-thirties, it is usually fairly easy to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. During these years the hormones that control ovulation, enhance conception, and ensure a healthy pregnancy are usually made easily and in generous quantities. And detrimental life-style choices have not had decades of repetition to create chronic problems. The previous section deals with disturbances to that pattern; and the section following deals with herbal ways to decrease or control the teeming fertility of the twenties and early thirties.
But more and more women are waiting until their late thirties, early forties, even late forties, to have children. Is this too late? Are these destined to have high-risk pregnancies? Will these children have more birth defects?
The answer to these questions — and others like them — is “no!” for wise women who enlist the help of green allies to increase fertility, insure conception, prevent birth defects, and promote a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery.
Increasing Fertility; Insuring Conception
Increase your chances of conception by meditating. Cultivating a calm attitude, not surprisingly, enhances fertility. Even taking a quiet five minutes alone just for you, free of all responsibilities, can bring big results if done frequently enough.
Use lunaception to time your ovulation so you have the best odds of conceiving. It’s fine to have sex in the weeks before ovulation, especially if the sex is focused on the woman and her orgasm, but do save your best efforts for those three nights when your “moon” is full and bright and ready to frolic.
Orgasm on the part of the male is necessary for fertilization. The woman’s orgasm does increase the possibility of conception. Women who experience orgasm after their partner (up to 40 minutes after his ejaculation) have the very best chance of becoming pregnant.
Red clover is the single best remedy for women over forty who want to conceive but can’t — even if there are medical reasons for not conceiving such blocked tubes, diabetes, ovarian cysts, internal scaring, endometriosis. There are many heart-warming success stories I could share about red clover! But suffice to say, drinking 2-4 cups of the infusion of the dried blossoms (neither tincture nor tea nor pills will work for this application) seems to do wonders for fertility, no matter what your age.