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Aerobic Exercise To Loss

What is aerobic exercise?

Also known as cardiovascular exercise it is any sustained, rhythmic activity that involves large muscle groups. Aerobic exercise makes the lungs work harder as the body’s need for oxygen is increased.

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

There are numerous benefits for health and general well being to be gained from regular cardiovascular exercise:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Reduced stress and improved mental health
    (due to the release of endorphins in the brain)
  • Increased heart and lung efficiency
  • Reduced blood pressure, resting heart rate and risk of stroke or heart attack.

Does aerobic exercise aid weight loss?

Weight is lost by creating a calorie deficit, burning more calories than you take in, so undertaking activities that burn large amounts of calories is an excellent accompaniment to a calorie controlled diet to help shift those unwanted pounds.

For example, half an hour of low paced jogging can burn around 300 calories. This can make a substantial contribution towards achieving the necessary calorie deficit to lose weight, or alternatively it can earn you a bar of chocolate that you feel less guilty about eating.

Aerobic exercises: At home

It is not essential to join a gym or to go out in the middle of winter to get an aerobic workout. There are a number of exercises that you can do in the privacy of your own home. Continue reading Aerobic Exercise To Loss