Tag Archives: thinner

Are there any specific food one can eat to help them grow taller?


One’s height might usually depend on their genes, but I know that lifestyle choices can affect one’s growth spurt as well. Besides the whole general balanced diet with fruits and veggies, are there specific food one can eat to help them grow? What are they and how would they help? 10 points for best, thorough answer!! Thanks in advance.


yoghurt, cheese, and boiled chicken. Your bones need phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium while your muscles need water, protein and carbohydrates to grow. Since you are growing taller, both your muscles and bones are getting bigger and longer. Don’t waste your money or your health on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

Have the hair style that makes you appear taller. In order to appear taller, a hair style should be thin at the sides and higher up top, which can make you appear as much as an inch taller Avoid clothes with horizontal lines. Belts are horizontal so make sure you conceal it in your clothes.
Avoid clothes with a tartan or checked pattern. Avoid cuffs that makes your legs appear shorter.

• Wear clothes with vertical lines or striping. Vertical lines or stripping make a person appear thinner,
and thinness in turn gives impression of more height.

Wear shoes that will make you appear taller. If you are a female, this should be easy since you can find a lot of female shoes with 2 or 3 inches’ heels. For males, wear shoes with thick soles to add the illusion of height.

To increase your height, it is important that your blood is oxygenated as blood provides nourishment to your bones. Regular breathing will also purify your blood. There are three phases to breathing:
1. Inhaling – take in air into your body through the nose
2. Retaining – hold your breath inside your body
3. Exhaling – blow out air from your body through the mouth

It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job of thickening and lengthening your bones. So appropriate sleeping time (not the longer, the better) and correct sleeping posture is very important for your body to grow. Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. Continue reading Are there any specific food one can eat to help them grow taller?