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How can i burn fat and build muscle at the same time?


Im 15 i weight 153 i have alot of fat in my upper body….im looking to burn fat and gain muscle in chest and stomach… i just want a toned body not to big. but i hav fat.


“We are what we repeatedly do”

lose fat build stamina in muscle

healthy muscle ligaments = Stretching = increased oxygenated nourishing blood flow to the extremities

The key is to increase blood flow to the problem area; fresh nourished blood has vital oxygen
and energy that aides to eliminate the pain and heal the body

The only way to get reinforcements inside our highly complex human body is through the
Circulatory systems that provide vital source needed for all life — which is oxygen and the
carrier being blood.

Unfortunately the blood through your arteries is not like free flowing water through a plumbing
System — the blood needs to be pushed into the remote areas and the impure blood needs to be
Pumped back against gravity to the heart for oxygenation.

Due to lack of activity or stress or sedentary / busy life style
Stretching is not occurring and there is a blood traffic jam in the pipes (thereby increasing free radicals in the impure blood #1 aging accelerator ) and blood circulation weakens which causes several chronic ailments like
Back pain , stress, fatigue , depression , lethargy , aging , early wrinkles , low immunity etc…

The only way to fix this is by stretching and widening the circulatory pipes

this can be done by using a new smash hit stretching tool that is so simple and yet phenomenally effective .

Best-selling Revolutionary stretching product in the world :http://www.standonme.com/stretch_product…

valuable benefits of stretching can be found here


I highly recommend a smart purchase http://www.standonme.com/stretch_product…

for long term and pain free and a healthy circulatory system

this is one of a kind revolutionary super simple straightforward best-selling effective stretching aide

Benefits of this new exciting product are :

Light weight
Inexpensive – low-priced big value
Simple to use
Minimal storage
0 moving parts
0 Assembly
0 Maintenance Continue reading How can i burn fat and build muscle at the same time?