Tag Archives: solution

What is the best most effective diet pill on the market?


I know diet and exercise and drinking lots of water will do the trick,,, bit I am just curious, does anyone know of a really good effective diet pill? Any stories you would like to share? THANKS!


Answer 1:

Recent studies have shown that acaiberry, acai fruit and acaiberry pills can be very beneficial to weight loss and health. It comes from acai trees which grow in the rainforests of brazil,Panama, Trinidad, Ecuador. Acai berry pills are made from tried acai fruit or from extracts made from the acaiberry. These suppliments are taken to help stop the effects of certain health conditions or even in the prevention of them.

Acai berry pills and extracts are most commonly taken for weight loss along with acai fruit. You see, the fibre in acai fruit and acaiberry helps your body to digest food more efficiently and it also makes you feel full more quickly, so you are less likely to overeat.

Because acai berry, acai berry pills and acai fruit all contain a large amount of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins makes acaiberry a good supplement for general overall health, along with being a good supplement for specific conditions. The acai berry can be used to increase energy, help you sleep better, improve your body’s alertness levels, relax muscles (which promotes healing!), and even help prevent heart disease.

i have been using it myself now for few weeks, just to see what all the fuss was about acaiberry and i do feel that my energy levels are so much higher and i have lost weight also as im not eating and snacking like i use to. Alot of people seem to think that when you star taking diet pills then the kilos will just start falling off, but unfortunately it doesnt work like that. The reality is that you do need to put a little effort in and control what you eat at the same time and little exercise wont do any harm 🙂 Continue reading What is the best most effective diet pill on the market?

7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Too many people have failed too many times at losing weight. What is the secret ingredient, beyond calorie reduction and a change in diet?
It’s really as simple as it gets! The secret to losing weight is…
Stay active!
New research by Oregon Health & Science University scientists reveals that simply reducing caloric intake is not sufficient to promote significant weight loss.
If you want to lose weight, the best way is to increase your metabolism. Diet is not enough! Starvation is fairly inefficient too – the body then goes into conservation mode, which minimizes fat loss. What usually follows is binge eating out of desperate hunger. The additional calories are then converted into even more fat. Not recommended. This is why the majority of diets fail, and this supports a massive industry.
The formula is simple – what we EAT is our energy INTAKE (calories). What we CONSUME for maintaining life, digestion and all metabolic functions (anabolism and catabolism) is referred to as our METABOLISM. Energy IN versus ENERGY CONSUMED is the net result – i.e. what we currently look like.
Calories are how we measure the energy in the food we eat and the energy our body uses. The recommended calories per day for a normal healthy adult are: 2,000 Calories for Women; 2,500 Calories for Men.
Everything requires energy.  Even simply maintaining your posture burns calories. The body is constantly burning the energy produced by respiration to maintain life, and all the associated metabolic processes. The average person requires 20% of their energy for brain functions, and the rest is mostly used to maintain the metabolism of the muscles, organs and tissues.
The best way to burn more calories is to build muscle through resistance training. For each pound of muscle that you gain, you burn approximately 50-70 calories in addition per day (5 pounds of muscle gain equates to burning 250-350 calories a day!) That’s fantastic motivation to start a workout program.  With that in mind here are 7 tips to keep fit, lean and motivated!
1.  Move. Keep moving as much as you can whenever you can.
Some ideas: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Speed-walk instead of ambling along chatting on your phone. Have rigorous sex instead of slow sex. For workout ideas, check out Body Rock TV. If this doesn’t inspire you into action, nothing will!
2.  Avoid all sugar and ‘hidden’ sugars like high-fructose corn syrup. 
Instead of sugar-laden, over-processed hot chocolate, invest in raw cacao – available in your nearest health store or online – an amazing food source of muscle-relaxing magnesium and antioxidants for muscle recovery.
3.  Keep your immune system in great health.
The two primary culprits I come across for suppressed immune function, are fatigue and stress. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, and listen to your body. If you’re going to use supplements, Maca is my number one super food. My favorite immune herbs are Echinacea and Olive leaf extract. Also Andrographis is awesome if you feel a cold coming on. Bee pollen and zinc are worth considering, as well.
4. Keep meal portions small especially if they’re cooked.
If you do eat cooked food, eat it with raw food – as cooked food alone leads to a reactive immune response. Combining raw and cooked is the solution. Keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day via regular nutrient-rich snacks and meals. My favorites are raw nuts and berries, especially delicious with a dab of organic yogurt.
5. Find a great personal trainer and yoga instructor to keep you consistent. 
Commit to regular training and classes at least twice a week. For your workouts, make sure you work out intensely with short bursts of energy, and lots of sweat. For yoga, stay consistent and you’ll get results! Continue reading 7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Where’s the health in health care reform?

In the months and years ahead, you’re going to hear a whole lot of talk about health care reform, but most of what you’re going to hear is about reform, not health. You see, there’s this great lie out there, this huge misconception, this big shell game, where all these politicians and power-hungry people think they can convince the public that health care reform is just about shifting paper around and deciding who pays.

But I say that you cannot talk about health care reform with any degree of honesty or credibility until you talk about health. None of the discussion I have seen from anybody out there – not the press, not the health care authorities, not the American Medical Association, not the politicians who are going to ride this issue all the way into public office – covers substantial ideas about actually making people healthier. So I ask: Where’s the health in health care reform?

You can’t reform your way out of chronic disease by changing who pays for it. You can’t take away a nation of degenerative brain disorder sufferers and a whole generation of children who have been born with malfunctioning nervous systems because of the malnutrition the mothers have been experiencing. You can’t take that away by changing who’s writing the check. You can’t solve obesity and diabetes by insuring all the uninsured. This is not a paperwork problem, yet that’s the solution we hear out there. It’s all about paperwork. Continue reading Where’s the health in health care reform?

Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis?

Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and what affects that might have on health care? Now people are terrified over the healthcare issue today. You probably have experienced some of this yourself.

You stay in a lousy job that you do not like just because they offer healthcare insurance and you are afraid that if you lose that job or quit you will not be able to find health coverage anywhere because if you try to buy it privately they nail you over pre-existing conditions. You have been paying into that system year after year after year — huge amounts of dollars every month — and then they deny you coverage.

That is the way the system works today and it is a system that is designed to keep you diseased and bankrupt. I am going to tell you about that system, how it works, and why no presidential candidate that has a chance of winning now has any kind of realistic solution for the healthcare crisis that is facing our nation. Not just the people but also the employers — the companies that are footing the bill for this as well. That is one reason why so many jobs are leaving our shores.

They are being offshored to countries that have better healthcare systems or less expensive healthcare systems. By the end of this show, you are going to find out that this entire system that we call healthcare in this country is a giant scam. It is a huge corporate-sponsored con designed to do just two things — keep you in a state of disease and take all the money out of your pocket and out of your bank account.

When you die from the side effects of pharmaceuticals, go bankrupt, even owing money to the hospitals, then the shareholders of those corporations consider that a success. They made more money off you by exploiting your body than they would make if they showed you how to stay healthy. I know it is a serious topic but let us dig into it here. Let us not hold back. Let us tell the truth, which is something that I am pretty well-known for doing on the air, especially about healthcare issues. Continue reading Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis?


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

The vast majority of people I know have two different types of work: the kind that pays the bills, and the kind they wrap their heart around.

For some people, those are one and the same, but often that takes time, dedication, and a willingness to blur the traditional boundaries that separate work and social life.

Because let’s face it: It’s not always easy to make a living doing something you love.

The first challenge is to figure out what that is; and it’s often complicated by what we think weshould do based on what other people think and what we’ve done up until now.

The next step is to figure out how to do it smart. It’s all good and well to decide to you want to run an online fitness, beauty, or personal development empire, but unless you have a unique value proposition and a solid idea of who needs your services and why, you could end up just spinning your wheels.

And then there’s the easiest part, which is simultaneously the hardest: the choice to work on your dream every day, knowing there are no guarantees, and that it may take a long time to make the kind of progress that allows you to devote your full-time energy to your passion.

This has been my experience with Tiny Buddha, and it’s the same with people who have contacted me for help with their blogs. Everyone wants the freedom to do more of what they enjoy and less of what they don’t.

What makes this kind of complicated is that turning a passion into work can sometimes strip the joy out of it, particularly when you give up freedom now in the pursuit of freedom tomorrow.

Really, that’s what we’re doing when cram our hours full of tasks that leave little time for play and decompression: We’re deciding tomorrow’s possibilities are more important than today’s. Continue reading WORK/LIFE BALANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH BIG DREAMS