Tag Archives: slim belly

4 effective tips to lose belly fat after having baby

Covering with hot salt, massaging with wine and ginger, steaming are can help the women reduce the 20-30 cm belly size after having baby.

Sagging belly is always the obsession of all women. After 9 months o pregnant, instead of a firmed belly, women will have sagging one with belly fat. Will they accept that?

In fact, there are a number of different ways to lose belly fat after having a baby. Besides playing sports regularly, you should consult 4 ways below:


Steaming is one of the most effective burning belly fat ways which don’t require exercise but brings a great result. This method thanks to the heat of steam room and make vascular and pores expand to burn fat and then evacuates them through sweat gland. 30 minutes-steaming has same result as 45 minutes-jogging and 25 minutes-extremely exercising.


You can steam at home by citronella, grapefruit peel, orange peel, lemon, Melissa, eucalyptus, or essential oil which is available in market. However, you should overfeed before steaming or taking a shower immediately after steaming because at this time the pores are expanding, if you take a shower, water will pervade into your body and that makes you ills. Another important thing is you must not steam if you have problem with the heart, blood pressure.

Covering with hot salt

This way is applied by almost women because it can perform at home. Besides salt, you can add ginger or mugwort when frying to cover. It will bring better result.

You just need to fry 1kg of salt and put it into a cloth bag and then massage around the abdomen. The heat from the salt bag will expand the pores, burn fat and evacuate it out.

Covering with fresh lemon

Lemon contains citric acid, which helps stimulate metabolism, prevent accumulation of fat, detoxifies the liver and kidney, dialysis and improve blood quality. It also includes many kinds of vitamin, especially vitamin C which helps beautify the skin, strengthen resistance, and lose weight effectively. Obese people can use diluted lemon juice instead of water to drink daily, or drink lemon with honey to lose weight.


With new mothers, covering with lemon is the most effective and safest way. You slice lemon and cover them on your belly for 20 minutes 3 times a week. Applying this way in long time, you will have slim belly.

Massage with ginger wine

Using ginger wine to massage is one of the most popular ways of the new mothers in order to lose belly fat. You just need to use 1 kg of ginger and mash with wine in 1 month. After giving birth, you use this wine to cover on the belly or any part where you want to burn fat. The heat of ginger wine will burn fat tissue, disperse them and excrete them out safely. You should massage the part where you cover ginger wine to get higher result.

You can add crocus into this wine in order to whiten the skin and remove the stretch marks.

What to eat to lose weight and belly fat in 7 days?

What to eat to lose weight crash or what to do to take off weight in a week is a frequent question of every person, who wants to lose weight by following a strict regimen. A reasonable diet will help you lose weight fast. In this post, we will learn this diet and find what needs to avoid losing weight effectively.


There are numerous efficient losing weight methods but the safe and long term result method is changing diet. To own a slim belly, you need to combine losing weight food as well as exercise.

  1. Eat food rich in fiber

Food rich in fiber is answer for the question what to eat to lose weight. Fiber is considered as safe food to lose weight. Fiber is useful for not only the gastrointestinal tract, skin but also those who want to have slim and firmed belly.

Vegetable and fruit have high rate of fiber. Therefore, it is easy to choose a kind of vegetable and fruit you like. However, you should pay attention to some facts to get high effect like:

  • Fiber helps losing weight fast but eating too much it a day will cause belching, cramps, and lack of mineral. So, each day, men should eat 31-38 grams of fiber and women should eat 12-28 grams of fiber.
  • Because of the limitation of fiber to eat each day so you need to choose some kinds of vegetable and fruit like cauliflower, cabbage, apple, and grapefruit, orange. These kinds of food contain high rate of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin which are support energy for your body but don’t cause obese.

You should add more vegetable and fruit to your meals and divide them into many meals to losing weight faster.

  1. Eat more seafood

Seafood is very good for those who want to lose weight fast. It brings you high rate of protein and calcium, which make you healthy and powerful for all day.

Seafood is low in fat and doesn’t cause accumulating water under skin.

In addition, it is not only delicious and nutritional but also abundant, diversified as well. You can add seafood into your losing weight diet in order to make it attractive.

We suggest the way to eat food to avoid gain weight:

  • Eat fried seafood as less as possible, instead, you boil, steam, bake it.
  • Seafood soup contains low rate of fat so you can combine seafood soup with vegetable to increase the result of losing weight.
  • Seafood gruel is very nutritional. You can cook gruel with calm, cuttle, shrimp or fish for lunch and dinner to reduce the rate of starch.
  1. Eat more poultry and egg

Similar to seafood, poultry and egg are healthy and don’t gain weight.

We suggest how to eat poultry and egg to lose weight:

  • Boil or steam them to keep the nutrition and reduce the fat.
  • Don’t eat them and rice together because it stimulates absorption of the fat. Instead, you should eat them with vegetable and fruit.
  • Only boil egg.
  1. Eat food containing carbohydrate

Carbohydrate is usually in bread, pea, potato, rice, cereals. When eaten, it is kept in muscle and liver as glycogen. Glycogen stores water 3 times as its weight, while fat and protein don’t. Therefore, using food containing carbohydrate helps limit the space to store of the fat. However, you should not eat too much this kind of food, otherwise, it is counterproductive.

  • The amount of carbohydrate should be 37% in the amount of calories you add into the body each day.
  • You only feed carbohydrate at midday, 30 minutes before having meal and never load it after having meal.
  1. Eat more water

What to drink to lose weight fast is also frequent question of person, who wants to lose weight. Water is considered as effective kind of drink which helps takeoff weight well. Water doesn’t include chemistry affecting to lose weight.

Drinking water make you feel full so you reduce to eat. In addition, water can detoxify, purify your body and beautify your skin you should water as following to get better result:

  • Drink a cup of warm water after waking up 10 minutes. It helps purify the body and lose weight well.
  • Drink a cup of water before having meals in order to make you full, and eat less.

Besides, you should limit to use alcohol drink. These kinds of drink not only affect to your liver, reins, stomach negatively but also cause belly fat. Thus, changing your diet can help lose belly fat faster.

After reading this post, you might have the answers for the question at top. We advise you to apply the method we’ve mentioned above to lose weight safely and effectively.

5 exercises for a slim belly

Owning a slim body will help women attract the sight of the men. Especially, summer is coming; it is so great to show off your sexy body on the beach.

To reach the goal, let’s start 5 following simple exercises!

  1. Ride a bike


This is the simplest exercise which brings you slim legs. Continuously riding will effect to your muscle and stimulate the circulation in your body. That not only helps you lose weight but also is good for your heart. 30-minute-riding per day is a great for both your body and spiritual.

  1. Squats


Squats is specifically effective to femoral area because this exercise almost pushes your weight down to your legs. Squatting regularly will decrease the amount of redundant fat in your femoral area and help you have dream body.

  1. Jogging


Instead of riding, jogging also can firming your calf and raises your health. Frequently go jogging in one hour will bring you toned thigh without redundant fat and relaxing spiritual.

  1. Lunges exercise


Another way to have slim thighs is doing lunges exercise. Firstly, stand straightly and relax your body. Next, step one leg, fold the knee to right angle simultaneously and put the hands on hip or put the hands high as the chest. After that, push the body to foreleg. Finally, keep this action in 5 seconds than back to the original posture. This effective exercise is applied by almost people nowadays.

  1. Change the diet


If you eat too much food which have high- rate carbohydrate, especially high in fat and starch foods, you can gain weight very fast. Therefore, we advise to have a healthy diet with 45% to 65% in. In addition, you should ignore sugary drinks especially refined sugar. You also need to eat more vegetables and fruit to help fat decomposition process in your body work well.

Wish you succeed in losing weight and own toned body with slim thighs.