What would you like to share regarding your exercise routine? Describe and discuss what you do and how it affects you not only physically but mentally and emotionally; the challenges you face in beginning or maintaining the routine; or advice for getting started on an exercise routine. FYI: Im skinny and lazy.
Answer 1:
I’m a rower [crew is the name of the sport or some prefer rowing]
I row everyday with a little break in between seasons
I’m a pretty serious athlete. In the fall we usually have dry land practice as well as rowing on the river i live near [i am a part of a team]
For dry land we start with jogging 2 miles – 4 miles
sit ups, push ups, crunches, lunges, wall sits [when you sit 90 degrees to the ground] plank [your body is parrallel to the ground sustained by your elbows/forearms and toes in almost “push up position”] and this awesome exercise called “jumpees”
their basically like squats except you jump off the ground so its an exercise of all the muscles past your hip to your ankles. when you are in the squat position your arms are bent and out in frotn of your body, when you jump up you swing your arms back [it helps with the balance]
basically our practices last 2.5 hrs b/c we incorporate both rowing on the water, and land exercise Continue reading How do you exercise and what keeps you motivated?