How much money on average do you guys (literally, guys) spend on one week’s worth of food?
And people who consider what they eat healthy, what do you buy per week?
Please break down for me a list of what you normally buy. How much does it cost you?
Answers (2)
Answer 1:
Yep…$50 a week should be enough for a guy (if you like pasta).
The price of groceries is such a big variable that nobody could really help you or give you an accurate idea, unless you’re doing some kind of survey and just want data from people.
Using coupons can slash down any price by half, if the store doubles it. If it does not double it, you’re in the wrong store to use coupons, because in this economy, most of the stores double coupons when the competition does it. I love this bad economy as stores now even accept online coupons that you can print on your printer. They’re everywhere. On advertising websites with coupons or on the actual website of the company making the product(s).
First, (a few years ago) stores would accept online coupons, then they did not because they were too many fakes and now they do accept them again because the competition does so they don’t care about fakes anymore but about keeping you as a customer.
Do you grocery shop at Wal-Mart, Bi-Lo, Publix or Whole Foods Market? (Wal-Mart is cheap…Whole Foods Market is expensive).
Where you shop can slash down any grocery bill by half as well. My favorite store is Publix as they have great service and good products and it’s closer to my house. If I don’t see my cat’s favorite particular flavor in that brand of cat food (my cat is hard to please) that I can buy at Bi-lo but then I tell Publix about it…sure enough, a few days later, it’s there on their shelf. You can also special order any food and they have a special shelve for those. They also have great butchers. If I want to cook Osso Bucco, they will special order the meat (as veal shanks are very expensive so it’s not a big sale and they don’t want to keep it around). And don’t believe any passing-by customer telling you that ox tails are as good as veal shanks to make Osso Bucco.
If you drink alcohol, like wine or beer, those will drive up your grocery list quite considerably…just one beer is like $1 (on sale, or bought in a discount store). I also use cognac to flambé my crepes, cherry in one of my chicken recipe, rum in my rum raisins cake…if you’re tight on money, get away from those.
I drink and even if I did not, I would still need white wine for my onion soup and red wine for my beef burgundy and I enjoy a beer with any pizza or any German type dish that involves sausages and sauerkraut/potatoes…not really on the healthy side, except when it’s winter, it’s cold, and your body wants you to make fat reserves for insulation so you get cozy and save money on utility bills because you’re not shivering skinny and cranking up the heating system.
I’m very lucky, Publix is the closest store and the one where I shop the most (check your mail, they send you $5 coupons all the time and they also have great sales and store coupons) but a couple of miles farther, I have a Bi-lo, next to a Wal-Mart, across the street from a Whole Foods Market!! There’s the trifecta!
A grocery list is not just about food but about toiletry, OTC meds and cleaning products…want to be at Wal-Mart when stocking up on those.
Great organic meat and fruits/veggies…Whole Foods Market is great for those…if you have money or occasional cravings for gourmet cooking. When I get a craving for my Brussels Sprout Parmentier (it’s Brussels Sprouts with roasted potatoes and garlic…goes great to accompany pork chops), Whole Foods have those amazing Brussels sprouts stacks….like a one foot long thing and the Brussels sprouts are still attached to it so they’re very fresh and you don’t have to peel off layers of leaves. It’s very instructive too if you want to know how those grow.
I do not eat a lot of eggs and chicken so when I do it’s organic, free range and more expensive. But it’s just a couple of dollars on your grocery bill as eggs and chicken are pretty cheap (the cheapest source of protein). It’s not just because it’s healthier (more vitamins, less cholesterol, more omega-3…), tastes better, and don’t have all those freakish extra hormones but because it’s a stand against caged animals, caged chicken…which is my idea of Hell…you reincarnate and become a caged chicken, with half a dozen other chickens, stuck there for your whole life with no way out and the stench of the excrements (you can smell a battery house miles away)…my mother once got a good price to rent a house for vacation, but it was a few miles downwind from a chicken battery house! We got used to the smell after a few days and I went there on my bicycle and peeked at this gruesome place (in the middle of nowhere) and each time I see a movie or a documentary about the treatment of Jewish people in concentration camps…I think of those chicken…and they had to lay eggs too! If only the Jewish people had to lay eggs, they would have been properly fed.
Answer 2:
sir,u must visit this link because your answer should be here and this is very helpful to you