Tag Archives: safe

Tips to stay safe during cold-weather months

With temperatures falling into the 30s this week, people will be turning up the heat to stay warm. But, as the temperature drops, the number of patients treated by the Vanderbilt Regional Burn Center typically increases due to unsafe heating methods that result in injury.

Heating fires account for 36 percent of all residential home fires every year and are the second leading cause of all residential fires following cooking, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. It is estimated that more than 50,000 heating fires occur in the United States each year and result in 150 deaths, 575 injuries and $326 million in property loss.

Blair Summitt, M.D., Interim Medical Director for the Vanderbilt Regional Burn Center, says these fires can cause severe and even fatal injuries to occupants, with alternative sources of heat often to blame for the most tragic injuries.

“While space heaters, fire places and wood-burning stoves can help people warm their homes during the colder months, it is critical that they be used properly,” Summitt said, noting that portable heating devices account for more than 50 percent of home structure fires. “We often see more patients this time of year from preventable tragedies and encourage people to follow strict safety guidelines when heating their homes.”

Summitt offers the following tips to stay safe during the cold-weather months:

· Heating equipment and chimneys should be cleaned and inspected annually.
· Keep anything that can burn away from heating equipment.
· Space heaters should never be plugged into an extension cord or power strip.
· Throughout the year, test smoke detector batteries and always have a fire extinguisher within easy reach.

In the event of a burn injury, Summitt offers these recommendations:

· Flush the burn area with room temperature water.

Don’t apply ice. It can be too harsh for burned skin and cause tissue damage.

· “Folk remedies” such as applying butter do not help the healing process and may increase the risk of infection if the burn is severe.

· Room temperature water alone or a very mild soap can be used to gently clean the area.

· Keep the burned area clean and dry as it heals. The area can be covered with a light bandage if needed. A small amount of an over-the-counter ointment can be applied to keep the bandage from sticking to the skin.

Seek medical treatment when:

· A burn covers a large area, especially if blistering occurs.

· There is extreme pain or loss of sensation.

· Burns occur to the face, eyes, hands or feet.

· A burn involves chemicals or electricity.

· There is smoke inhalation due to fire exposure.

· A burn does not appear to be healing appropriately.

Weight loss: Choosing a diet that’s right for you

Don’t fall for gimmicks when it comes to weight loss. Evaluate diets carefully to find one that’s right for you.

When it comes to weight loss, there’s no shortage of advice. Check any magazine rack or bookstore or surf the Internet, and you’re bound to discover the latest and greatest weight-loss “cures,” from diets that eliminate fat or carbs to those that tout superfoods or special supplements.

With so much conflicting advice and so many weight-loss options, how do you know which diet is the one for you? And which weight-loss programs really work? Here’s how to choose a weight-loss program that’s right for you.

Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts

Before starting a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. He or she can review any medical problems that you have and any medications that you take, and help you set weight-loss goals. You and your doctor can discuss what may be contributing to your weight gain — in rare cases, certain medical conditions or medications can cause unwanted weight gain. And you can discuss how to exercise safely, especially if you have trouble or pain carrying out normal daily tasks.

Talk to your doctor about weight-loss plans you may have tried before and what you liked or didn’t like about them. Be honest with your doctor about fad diets you may be interested in trying. Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.

Consider your personal needs

There’s no single weight-loss diet that will help everyone who tries it. But if you consider your preferences, lifestyle and weight-loss goals, you should be able to find or tailor a diet to suit your individual needs. Before starting another weight-loss program, think about these factors:

  • Your experience with past diets. Think about diets you may have tried before. What did you like or dislike about them? Were you able to follow the diet? What worked or didn’t work for you? How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?
  • Your preferences. Do you prefer to diet on your own, or do you like getting support from a group? If you like group support, do you prefer online support or in-person meetings?
  • Your budget. Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or meals, or to visit weight-loss clinics or attend support meetings. Does the cost of such programs fit your budget?
  • Other considerations. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or allergies? Do you have specific cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences when it comes to food? These are important factors that should help determine which diet you choose. Continue reading Weight loss: Choosing a diet that’s right for you