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Clear skin diet: Foods that bring acne relief

To eliminate blemishes, you’ll want to drink more water, eat more vegetables, stay away from fried foods and alcohol and opt for foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Pimples, pustules, blackheads and rosacea … oh my! What to do if you have acne and want your skin to get clearer? Try eating a clear skin diet.
Thanks to the book, “The Clear Skin Diet” by Alan C. Logan and Valori Treloar, and other tomes on the subject, there are now some studies that demonstrate how certain foods can help improve your skin.
Some of the foods and nutrients that the “Clear Skin Diet” authors suggest to combat problematic skin include:
  • whole grains
  • fiber
  • antioxidants
  • Omega-3 fish oils
  • green tea
  • zinc
  • selenium
Although genetics may play a factor in the appearance of your skin, watching what you eat may improve skin quality tremendously.
What’s the most critical nutrient for clear skin?
Acne has a reputation of attacking soda-drinking teenagers’ faces. But adults can suffer from acne, as well. One way to flush out toxins is to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Drinking at least 8-10 cups a day — and eliminating sugary drinks, both soda and juices — may help reduce acne. [Related on MNN.com: Healthy beverages] Continue reading Clear skin diet: Foods that bring acne relief