Tag Archives: program

How have you lost weight in the past? Did a doctor help?


I am about 35-40 lbs overweight and have a doctor’s appt tomorrow. I have asked different doc’s in the past for their help and one referred me to a nutritionist who said “just follow the pyramid”. Gee, thanks. I didn’t know I should eat that many veggies per day (that’s sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell). I know HOW to lose weight, but the motivation, temptation, and picky eater syndrome gets in the way. I was wondering if you thought my doctor would actually help me…or just blow me off.

Also, if you have lost ~40 lbs, I’d love to know how you did it…be specific. Did you research? Did you join a program? Take a pill? Make up your own program and stick with it?


Answer 1:

I lost 60 kg (130+ pounds) over the last couple of years. Did it slowly by firstly strictly watching what I eat and then walking for exercise. It took 3 months before I could walk further than a mile or so – by the end of 12 months I was walking for an hour and a half daily and covering about 6 miles (10 kms).
You have to make your mind up to do it and set goals. Every time you reach a goal then reward yourself (new clothes or stuff that will make you feel good).
You need to build a strong resolve and stick to your guns. However dont beat yourself up if you have the occassional bad day, just start again the next day.
The motivation must come from within you – no other reason is good enough, do it for you. – Good Luck!!!

Answer 2:

1) I learned why I overate. I wrote in a food journal for a month before I changed anything. I looked at which meals I ate at most often, when I snacked, etc. After awhile I noticed a pattern.

2) I learned how to eat in moderation. Weight loss is a lifestyle change, and the lifestyle I wanted to change was moderation. Now I can enjoy my steak or chocolate cake, but I don’t have to eat the whole thing to feel satisfied. I ate the veggies and fruits, but I also let myself have a little free room. I knew I would mess up. This isn’t about calorie counting or dieting unless you want to do that for the rest of your life.

3) I stepped off of the scale. Instead of depending on the scale as my tell all sign of my health, I focused on my clothing. I measured myself monthly and weighed myself weekly, but I knew that if I were to gain muscle then the scale wouldn’t really be accurate to tell how healthy I really was.

4) I exercised each night–I ran 12 minutes. When I say that I ran for 12 minutes, I mean I ran for 12 minutes. If I walked for 30, that’s fine but I RAN for 12 minutes. I kept up with it. Within 3 months I lost over 50 inches over my body. I went from a 16 to a size 12.

5) Reward yourself…but not with food. When I went down to a size 14, I bought myself a new dress. When I dropped to a size 12, I bought myself a new pair of shoes and a matching purse. Now my husband has made me the promise that when I drop to a size 10 we’ll splurge and buy an outfit I really want from my favorite store I couldn’t go into becuase of my size.

6) If you need help, try Weight Watchers. They don’t require you to buy anything special and it’s relatively easy. You don’t depend on any pills or foods, and instead the weight loss is based on how amazing of a woman YOU are! Continue reading How have you lost weight in the past? Did a doctor help?

How to Choose the Best Diet and Make the Program Work

What is the Best Diet and is there a simple answer to the weight loss question? The answer is no. I hate the word Diet because it means you will lose the weight and then continue with the eating habits that created the weight problem in the first place. Losing weight is hard, period. It takes a long time to put the extra pounds (sometimes it doesn’t seem to take that long) so it only makes sense it will take a long time to take the weight off. What is a diet? It is the way you eat and the food choices you make. Not a quick fix, so all of the reviewed diets are only successful if you do the following:

 1. Incorporate some form of exercise. This is key because not only will you burn more calories you will feel better and your heath will improve (this is far more important than the way you look!)

2. Have a support program and use it. Blog an exercise group (highly recommended). Lean on the resources to get you through the tough periods.

3. A diet or eating plan should be founded on solid principles and should not be a fad. Fad diets do not work! Yes you will lose water weight but a stomach virus does the same thing.

4. Learn how to make the right choices on your own. Research and determine what good choices are. I will write several blogs point to some great resources regarding Diet plans.

When you choose an exercise program, make sure you do something you enjoy. There will be times that you do not want to exercise, so have a variety to keep active during those times. Staying active is probably the #1 way to stay on a diet program and keep the weight off. You can lose weight by starving yourself but you want to lose weight for life. Continue reading How to Choose the Best Diet and Make the Program Work

How did you lose weight and what was your motivation?


This question is to someone who’s lost at LEAST 30 – 150 lbs.

I’m quite overweight, always have been, ever since I can even remember. What was your motivation in losing weight? What did you do? How did you work it into a busy schedule? I’ve done lots of different things ever since I was 10 years old to lose weight but I can’t ever do anything right it seems.

In before “Do it for the ladies!” : I’m 22 with a beautiful girlfriend with my first child on the way.


Answer 1:

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you’ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn).

Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. Use acalorie calculator – http://calorieneedscalculator.com The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don’t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.

Don’t make all of these changes at once or you won’t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you’ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Straight Health Forum Continue reading How did you lose weight and what was your motivation?

What is the best way to keep your motivation up to lose weight?


I have a hard time keeping my motivation to lose weight up, I don’t have anyone to help support me, so what do you think is the best way to keep up my motivation?


Answer 1:

Seriously, I could give you a hundred diets that would work, or programs….but it sounds like you want something easy as pie to follow and follow through with. okay, just eat whatever you want, or usually do, but just eat half of what you usually do-but STICK to it-if you slip-there is always the next meal. Don’t drive yourself nuts, you seem like the driving yourself nuts in a diet type by reading your question, so that’s why you get THIS answer…..there!


GNC number one gold card salesman (and manys world sales indicators-always top 10- and highest bonus by percentage on income per volume in all 3,600 stores-world-wide) “know your product and you will outsell anyone” not bragging, just trying to HELP you, much reading on vitamin, herbs and natural remedy literature (hundreds of thousands of pages)-including medicine manuals, kinesiology manuals (study of the movement of the body), physical-training manuals, and guinea pigging on many of thousands of people as to what works/and doesn’t. Believe me, and be happy you did
Answer 2:
Motivation for weight loss and fitness
One of the greatest difficult tasks is to motivate you for weight loss. After one month around, you start your enthusiasm in your weight loss and fitness program. I have learned few things that that has helped me to be motivating towards the fitness program and get my weight loss goal. I think these tips will also helps you as well to loose weight and keep motivated towards various weight loss and fitness programs.

* Once you have started your weight loss program, its a great idea to weigh yourself only once a week. If you keep on weigh everyday, you will only discourage yourself. If you weigh yourself only once a week, you will be able to analyses whether you need to make change to your existing routine or not. Continue reading What is the best way to keep your motivation up to lose weight?

Flatten Your Stomach and Get Rid Of Your Belly Once And For All With These Amazing Fat Burning Secrets

Tens of thousands of men and women in more than 130 countries are now enjoying the lean and muscular bodies they never believed they could have. The best part is, they did it without drugs, supplements or starvation diets, and without messing up their metabolisms…

How did they do it? They used a scientifically-proven and real-world tested program that’s been sweeping the Internet called, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (“Burn The Fat” for short).

What Makes This Fat Burning Breakthrough So Exciting is That it Gives You The Power To…

  • Lose fat permanently. It’s a fact – 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Burn The Fat teaches you how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps fat off forever.
  • Lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism. If you’ve ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded “fat loss plateau,” it’s probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. The Burn The Fat system teaches you the only way to prevent your metabolism from crashing when you diet and what to do if you think you’ve already damaged your metabolism
  • Lose fat without drugs. Steroids or fat burning drugs can work, but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who have learned how to use training and nutrition science to alter body composition without drugs are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. You will learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience exactly how it’s done and has been teaching “regular people” how to do it for more than 17 years.
  • Lose fat without supplements. 97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off by profit-hungry companies that don’t give a rat’s turd about your health and well-being. If you want to learn the ugly truth about the $13 billion per year supplement industry, and the $40 billion per year weight loss industry, then read every word of this report because it could save you thousands of your hard-earned dollars! Continue reading Flatten Your Stomach and Get Rid Of Your Belly Once And For All With These Amazing Fat Burning Secrets

How do you keep yourself fit and healthy?


I was pretty active and thin when I first met my bf. Now, 5 years later and 25 pounds heavier I feel like a big fat jello ball. Nowadays I don’t even have the energy to drive to the gym. I want to get back to the way I was and I’m having a hard time. I need some advice and really want to know how some people do it. How do you get yourself to the gym everyday? How do you say no to the chips and ice cream?

How do you keep yourself fit and healthy? 

Thank you!


Answer 1:

Almost same story here…I gained 15 pounds after getting married and I hated myself. I had no energy to exercise and it just kept getting worse!! I think my rock-bottom moment was trying on bathing suits for an upcoming trip to the beach and almost crying because of how I looked! Here is what I did and it has really worked for me so far.

Plan some sort of trip or goal you want to work towards. For me it was that beach trip, when I knew I would have to be in public in a bathing suit. That was enough for me to get off the couch and get moving. Continue reading How do you keep yourself fit and healthy?

Is the army currently discharging people for failing pt tests and being overweight?


My unit said last week that people who are overweight and/or pt failures would be chaptered out. Is this a scare tactic or is the army really overstrengthed enough to do this? Any info would help. Thanks.


Answer 1:


The Army also has a program where everyone gets to go to Afghanistan sooner or later. They do not want to send people who can not meet the basic requirements. So if you are over weight or can not pass the fitness test, they will give you a chance to fix the problem and if you do not fix the problem, out you go.

Yes, they are in great shape as far as manning. 2009 was the first time since the start of the all volunteer army that they got all the qualified recruits they wanted. And this year is looking the same. With such high quality troops coming on board, they do not need to keep the fat slugs.

It is really a time to “shape up or ship out.” And FYI, if you do get chaptered out they could give you a general discharge under honorable conditions, which means no GI Bill or other benefits.

Answer 2:

At any time the unit can start the chapter for failing to be with with in 600-9 standards. (being fat) but there are rules. you have to be taped, and counseled. they have to set a meeting with a nutritionist who will monitor your progress. you have to be taped every month to track progress. if you improve then you have 12 months to get back to army standards. if you fail to do that, they can kick you out. Many units don’t do this. almost none consult a nutritionist either. but this has always been a policy. if you are fat then i sugest you ready AR 600-9

Now if you fail a PT test you should be flagged. no promotions or anything “good” and then counseled. but i think you can fail 3 times in a row and must be the same failed event, before they are allowed to start chapter paperwork. like always the run. it can’t be run this month then sit ups the next month. they must also have a extra PT time set aside and the unit is charged with insuring that you are working on improving. but really the PT test isn’t hard. how can you fail it 3 times in a row?

it is a week scare tactic at best. but life is always better when you follow the rules

Answer 3:

Absolutely they can. AR 635-200 Chapter 13 Section 13-1 and 13-2 gives Commanders the authority to separate a soldier when it is determined the he/she is unqualified for further military service because of unsatisfactory performance. Continue reading Is the army currently discharging people for failing pt tests and being overweight?

Top 5 best exercises to lose belly fat

(NaturalNews) Who doesn’t want flat abs? People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure in 30 days. Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and easier to lose. However, if proper nutrition is not observed and the resort is made to low calorie diets, weight loss may not happen within the desired time frame. Hunger and calorie deprivation will eventually kick in and dieters confronted with that favorite food they have been avoiding will have the tendency to binge at the first opportunity. The likelihood of gaining more weight than they originally lost is not far-fetched.

According to Christine Rosenbloom, a nutrition professor at Georgia State University, eating a calorie-controlled diet and 60 minutes of daily moderate exercise activity will result to weight loss and can even help with the desired weight maintenance. In fact, according to Professor Michael Jensen of the Mayo Clinic, intense aerobic exercise will result to being leaner around the abdomen.

It is important to remember that keeping the body’s metabolism up and running so that the body continuously burns calories prevents it from going into the fat-storing mode that causes unnecessary weight gain.

Why exercise is necessary

Most people involved in weight loss believe that it’s all about the calories. If you burn calories more than you take in, you lose weight. If you take in more calories than you can burn, the body gains fat. While this piece of logic may make sense, it is only partly true. What burns calories nonstop is actually the lean muscle mass underneath body fat that allows more intake of calories without weight gain. Continue reading Top 5 best exercises to lose belly fat

Health care’s big four issues: What the justices are tackling!

Washington (CNN) — The Supreme Court in coming days will issue perhaps as many as four separate opinions on the constitutionality of the health care law .

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) was signed into law March 23, 2010, passed by a Democratic congressional majority and championed by President Barack Obama. It has about 2,700 pages and contains 450 some provisions.

Here are the four issues the high court tackled separately during oral arguments in late March. Those issues are expected to play key roles in the judges’ final decisions.

The gateway issue: Anti-Injunction Act

Would those challenging the law be barred from making any legal or constitutional claims until the key provision — the individual mandate — goes into effect in 2014? The obscure Anti-Injunction Act, dating back 145 years, prevents asking for a refund on a tax until that tax has been collected and paid. Judges in two federal appeals courts have made that “threshold” argument, which would effectively stop the current legal fight in its tracks. Continue reading Health care’s big four issues: What the justices are tackling!