Paul Mason – The world’s fattest man lost two thirds of his body weight and could go out instead of sticking to his bed as before.
Paul Mason lost two-thirds of his total weight of 444 kg after performing NHS surgery, which caused his stomach to contract only by the size of an egg. Former postal worker living in Ipswich (UK) now weighs only 152 kg, down more than 292 kg compared to before. However, he says his goal is to drop to 90 to 95 kg.
With determination, the world’s most recognized fat man has admitted he has a long way to go. He also pledged to be from the fat man to the world’s fastest weightlifter.
Paul Mason says that in order to achieve that goal, he could spend up to £1m to pay his bills. In addition to cutting off the excess skin, Paul will also undergo another surgery with a total cost of 30,000 pounds.
The 51-year-old told The Sun: “I was ashamed of being called the world’s fattest man by knowing that I had turned my life into hell. I have become the world’s most “super” weightlifter, but there is still a long way to go, and I want to lose 90 to 95 kilograms weight loss“.
In the past, he consumed 20,000 calories – about 10 times as many as normal people – including overweight, fried and sometimes 40 buns. However, after the operation, Paul was able to move on the electric car instead of lying on the bed, following a diet rich in vegetables and eating less.
With new body, Paul Mason can now step on his own feet short steps. Doctors said that if he wanted to cut off the excess skin, Paul would have to maintain this weight in two years. “However, I want to lose weight fast for surgery to happen sooner, so that I can move easily”, he said.
Paul Mason said that being ridiculed by friends for eating disorders at a young age and his father’s death in 1986 caused him to eat more. In 2002, at 355 kg, the firefighters had to tear down Paul’s wall and use a large forklift that would put him in an ambulance to go to a surgical hospital.
Later, the design association had to build a house with a door that could be extended to accommodate Paul Mason in the event of an emergency.
Without surgery, every day, social workers have to come for him to eat and bathe him 4 times a day. However, his diet has been greatly reduced. Every morning he ate only a slice of jam or butter, a small spaghetti lunch at noon, and the evening was a little potato with cheese.
“After cutting out excess skin, I hope to go swimming and cycling as well as going to the fitness center every day, and I’m looking forward to finding a girlfriend”, Paul Mason said excitedly.