I am in good health, no joint pain, swim and do water exercises. Is that enough and I have fallen off of my diet plan which is 3 meals per day, very little bread, no dessert. Tips for me to get back on? I’m actually growing out of my clothes! I’ve gained 20 more pounds how to lose it?
Answer 1:
For long-term health aerobic and resistance exercises are important. However, the most important factor for improved health is a well-balanced healthy diet. The healthiest diet is a whole plant based diet. Former President Bill Clinton has reported that he lost 24 pounds on this diet and also reversed his heart disease. He followed the advice of Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Caldwell Essesltyn, Jr. I lost 90 pounds on the same diet. Dr. Dean Ornish is the most famous advocate for this diet, however, nutritionists have been recommending this diet for several decades and the research supporting it continues to build.
The first thing I would do is eliminate any alcohol, sugar, processed carbs, oil/fat, processed ingredients, and additives (especially aspartame and MSG). You only need ground flax seed in your diet for the Omega-3 essential fatty acids. All other fats are unnecessary and they stimulate appetite and add calories.
Next, I would replace dairy with leafy greens such as collards and kale. Spinach is high in calcium, but it does not release its calcium. Excess dairy and meat is also shown to steal calcium from human bodies because of acidosis caused by animal protein. Leafy greens are high in calcium, iron, and protein. Consuming whole grains (brown rice, quinoa) and legumes (beans, peas, lentils) provide critical protein components. Exposure to sunlight adds vitamin D. If you choose to go pure vegetarian, make sure to supplement vitamin B12 as needed. If you eat meat, it should be in very small quantities and it should be added as flavoring only. Do not supplement your body with whey protein. Casein (and sugar) are known to stimulate the growth of cancer tumors. (Professor T. Colin Campbell “The China Study”)
Drink pure water and eat whole fruit instead of sweets or soda pop. Diet drinks are counter productive because of the artificial sweeteners. Colorful vegetables are important also for a healthy diet. For details, read “Forks Over Knives” or purchase the DVD by the same name. “Eat More, Weigh Less” is another excellent book by Dr. Dean Ornish which explains how to eat a healthy vegetarian diet.
In terms of work outs, I would wait for a week or two until after you start your healthier diet. I’d start with aerobic exercise. Make sure to check with your physician about your aerobic heart rate range. When you exercise, make sure to try and keep your heart rate at the mid-point of this range for 30-40 minutes. Beyond that, the aerobic workout will have negative effects. Exercise aerobically five times per week. Share your exercise plan with your physician so that he or she can approve. I’d make sure to get into an aerobic exercise program for a week or two before moving on to free weight training.
I would then hire a fitness guru at your local club to teach you how to do free weight training. You do not need weight machines unless you want strength in major muscles only. This can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Free weights allow you to exercise small muscles while you are exercising big muscles. Normally, you will exercise your upper body using free weights on the first day. After a day of rest, you will exercise your lower body using free weights (third day). On the fourth day, you will rest. The following day repeats this cycle starting with the upper body. The workout is usually in reps on one muscle group such as 12 at a time with a rest of a minute between. You might do five of these sets of 12 for each muscle groups. I work on five muscle groups in a workout.
A pound of muscle is the energy equivalent to seven pounds of fat. Would you rather have a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?
As you add components, each part must be a permanent lifestyle change if you want permanent fat weight loss.
Finally, I would add stretching or yoga stretching. Done properly, this should be a meditative practice. Eating should eventually be done mindfully.
Expect your weight to plateau as you add each lifestyle change. Your motivation should be how good you feel while on this program. The bathroom scale is never a good choice for feedback because this will fluctuate because of water weight and muscle building.
Answer 2:
Weight loss is not only about losing pounds but it is also about burning fat. Actually burning fat is sometimes more important than losing weight because fat is a major cause for many other health problems (diabetes, high cholesterol etc). When you manage to burn fat you will certainly look and feel much better since fat burning is not an easy process and the satisfaction you will gain is great. Below you can read the most important tips on how to lose belly fat in a fast and yet healthy manner.
1. Small meals Vs 3 main meals
Whenever you want to lose calories or fat fast it is recommended to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of the classic 3 main meals. This is because by eating small meals every couple of hours you force your body spend more energy to digest the food and thus losing calories. As a result your metabolism is also increased and the whole process becomes easier. In addition frequent meals stabilize the insulin levels which in turn enable faster muscle growth.
2. Regular exercise
When it comes to losing belly fat you should understand that exercise plays a prominent role. It is not exactly the same case as with weight loss. When you want to lose weight you can achieve good results through your diet alone but when it comes to losing belly fat a balanced diet can mainly help you stop the fat problem from becoming worse (see also how to burn fat with food). The only solid way to actually start losing belly fat (and fat in general) is through exercise. Regular exercise sessions (30 minutes) at least 5 times per week can actually produce good results. If you want not to get bored easily find a form of exercise that you like and enjoy doing. There is no reason to perform difficult exercises that will eventually make you de-motivated. It is better to start slow and gradually than fast and quit.
3. Learn how to drink water
The importance of water in losing weight is very well known. What many people do not understand is how to utilize water to lose weight and fat. When we say drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day we do not mean to drink this amount at once or in a very short amount of time. If you do that the only thing you will achieve is to make regular visits to the toilet. Instead you should try and spread this throughout the day. You can start with one glass of water in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Then one glass after 2-3 hours, one more glass with your launch and the rest 4 glasses before, during and after your dinner. By following this pattern you will keep your stomach busy all the time and hunger away. If you want you can even create reminders in your mobile to alert you when its time for your glass of water.
4. Soft drinks, juices, caffeine is not water
One more point to note about water is the following. Many people believe that by drinking fresh juices, soft drinks and coffee, they drink water. This is far from truth. Some of the drinks described above, like coffee, create the opposite effects than water. In particular caffeine products are diuretic and they help the excretion of water from the body. Too much consumption of these drinks can cause dehydration.
5. Sleep, rest and confidence
Trying to lose belly fat can sometimes make you tired, both mentally and physically. You have to overcome a lot of obstacles and deny a lot of temptations to get the results you want in the time frame you want. For this reason you need to work on 3 areas that may not be directly related to weight loss but they can indirectly help you to meet your goals. These have to do with rest, sleep and confidence. It is important that you rest enough hours per day, sleep at least 8 hours and never give up your optimism. There is no need to say more about this other that you have to consider these factors are part of your weight loss efforts.
Hopefully the weight loss tips presented above will help you lose belly fat in a quick and healthy way.