Tag Archives: oil

How to tell if you are overweight/17 female any opinions?


Im 17 5ft 3in and 150lb female. I was wondering if this is considered overweight? I am a huge soccer player but have taken some time off for a couple of months. I need to get rid of the small amount of belly and back fat that i have acquired over the past few months. ANyone have any good tips or weight loss ideas/supplements that can help me loose weight within 3 weeks!


Answer 1:

When you feel hungry, stop and have a cup of water. Wait 5 minutes and assess whether you are really hungry or perhaps there is something else on you mind.
When you catch yourself looking for some-thing to munch on, stop yourself and do something to occupy your time. Many people tend to eat too much when they are bored.
Remember to take it one day at a time.
If you want to snack, make sure it is a healthy, low-fat, low-calorie snack.
Remember, fat-free does not mean you can eat the whole box!
When eating fat-free products, remember to look at the serving size and calories.
Even if you’re eating low fat, you must still be aware of your calorie intake. Calories can add up and you can gain weight eating low-fat and fat-free products.
When setting your ideal weight, be realistic and choose a weight that you can comfortably maintain, without much struggle, for the rest of your life.
Do not weigh yourself more than once a week.
Eat more whole foods, natural products that have not been processed.
Do some activity daily. Walking is an excellent choice and is easy on the joints. Try to work up to 30-45 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week for maximum results.
Take up a new hobby or sport. This can occupy your time and help you avoid the fridge. Many people find that when they are busy they don’t have time to think about food.
Stock your cupboards and refrigerator with fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain products and low-fat alternatives. This will make it much easier to stick to your new, healthy plan.
Try to replace high fat ingredients in your recipes with lower-fat alternatives
Saute your food in water, both, wine or juice instead of oil. Continue reading How to tell if you are overweight/17 female any opinions?

Clear skin diet: Foods that bring acne relief

To eliminate blemishes, you’ll want to drink more water, eat more vegetables, stay away from fried foods and alcohol and opt for foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Pimples, pustules, blackheads and rosacea … oh my! What to do if you have acne and want your skin to get clearer? Try eating a clear skin diet.
Thanks to the book, “The Clear Skin Diet” by Alan C. Logan and Valori Treloar, and other tomes on the subject, there are now some studies that demonstrate how certain foods can help improve your skin.
Some of the foods and nutrients that the “Clear Skin Diet” authors suggest to combat problematic skin include:
  • whole grains
  • fiber
  • antioxidants
  • Omega-3 fish oils
  • green tea
  • zinc
  • selenium
Although genetics may play a factor in the appearance of your skin, watching what you eat may improve skin quality tremendously.
What’s the most critical nutrient for clear skin?
Acne has a reputation of attacking soda-drinking teenagers’ faces. But adults can suffer from acne, as well. One way to flush out toxins is to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Drinking at least 8-10 cups a day — and eliminating sugary drinks, both soda and juices — may help reduce acne. [Related on MNN.com: Healthy beverages] Continue reading Clear skin diet: Foods that bring acne relief

Balanced vegetarian diet without beans and legumes? Can beans and legumes be bad for some people?


Lately, every time I eat beans or lentils, I end up feeling like sh!t afterward. Is there a balanced vegetarian diet I can follow that provides me with all the essential nutrients without having to resort to beans and lentils?


Please do not get discouraged!

I have been on my veg journey for almost 17 years so, I understand your frustration. Most world diets are NOT meat based. Western culture is the only one that eats a meat-based diet (US, Canada, EU…). Over the last decade, we have truly begun to witness exactly just how devastating it really is to consume animal “products”… our eating habits are not only cruelly killing BILLIONS of animals, it is slowly killing us as well.

*Animal/livestock agriculture pollutes Earths air, water and soil. Numerous toxic run-off from factories, farms & slaughter house), leeching and run-off from herbicides & pesticides for feed, CO2 pollution (fossil fuel) from transporting animals (both dead and still alive) and the numerous polluting toxins released into the environment when feed is processed and transported (not 2 forget GMO!). Corn is the worst…

There is a lot of food out there! More recipes (globally) are made more so “vegetarian friendly” than not. Animal derived food products are a luxury in most parts of the world and our world is poor. Continue reading Balanced vegetarian diet without beans and legumes? Can beans and legumes be bad for some people?

What Is A Balanced Diet?

A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development.

Alternative Names

Well-balanced diet


A well-balanced diet provides enough energy and nutrition for optimal growth and development.

Food Sources

Milk group (dairy products)

  • Cheese: fat-free or reduced-fat (1%)
  • Milk or buttermilk: fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%)
  • Yogurt: fat-free or low-fat, regular or frozen

Meat and beans group

  • Legumes (including beans, lentils, peas, and split peas)
  • Meat (beef, pork, poultry with skin removed, game meats, fish, shellfish): select lean cuts; trim away visible fat; broil, roast, or poach
  • Nuts and seeds (including almonds, hazelnuts, mixed nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, walnuts)
  • Tofu, tempeh, and other soy-protein products

Fruit group

  • Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, dates, grapes, grapefruit, mangos, melons, oranges, peaches, pineapples, raisins and other unsweetened dried fruits, tangerines
  • 100% fruit juice

Vegetable group

  • Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, collard and other greens, cucumbers, green beans, kale, lettuces, potatoes, radishes, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes
  • 100% vegetable juice

Grain group (breads and cereals)

  • Enriched, whole-grain breads, rolls, English muffins, bagels, cereals (hot and cold), and pasta
  • Grits
  • Rice


What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?


As the weather gets warmer we become more self-conscious about our weight. Since summer is right around the corner it is time to get our fat loss diet in check.

What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?

What is a reasonable amount of weight to lose in 12 weeks?

What are some important tips for someone who wants to lose the fat, but maintain their muscle gains?


Answer 1:

Of course, there are a huge number of weight loss blogs to choose from. There are a number of medically supervised and very expensive calorie restricted programs costing thousands of dollars, however, that doesn’t make these programs effective. According to Gina Kolata, who did extensive research on the topic, the most popular diets are also ineffective for the vast majority of people over an extended period of time. If you embark on a 12-week diet, you will lose weight for the first 12-weeks and then re-gain the weight after that.

To be effective, you must embark on a permanent lifestyle change that includes a radically different way of eating. I lost 90 pounds and kept it off without having to pay anyone for anything.I read “Eat More, Weigh Less” by Dr. Dean Ornish. Former President Bill Clinton reversed his heart disease and lost 25 pounds by eating the same low-fat whole plant based diet. His was supervised by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. at the Cleveland Clinic.

My advice is to go to the web sites of the following experts to seek help:

Professor Emeritus T. Colin Campbell of Cornell (he wrote “The China Study”)
Dr. Neal Barnard (“Food for Life”)
Dr. Joel Fuhrman (“Fasting and Eating for Health”)
Dr. John McDougall (“The McDougall Plan”)
Dr. Dean Ornish (“The Spectrum”)
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. (“Forks Over Knives”)

The “Whole Plant Based Diet” is the program that is ideal for optimal health and maintaining an ideal weight. It’s a lifestyle change, not a pill or a quick fix. If you are not in it for the long-term, your weight loss will not last.

You can very easily lose 1/2 pound per week if you choose foods carefully and avoid commercially processed food like products. If you choose a medically supervised fast, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week of fat (the other weight is water weight and will come back on your body after the fast ends).

Instead of dairy, choose leafy greens containing iron, calcium, and protein. Eat whole grains (brown rice, quinoa) and ligumes (peas, beans, lentils) for additional proteins. Take a B12 and D supplement if you go vegetarian.

Instead of meat, pork, fish, poultry, eggs, or any other form of animal based foods, take the foods listed in the paragraph above and eat ground flax seed for Omega-3 Essential fatty acids. Otherwise, you do not need to eat any form of oil or fat. Even virgin olive oil contains saturated fats which are unhealthy for your cardiovascular system. A gram of fat/oil contains 9 calories and can increase your appetite.

Eat lots of raw and cooked vegetables, and some whole fruits every day. Avoid commercially processed drinks that might contain refined sugar or artificial flavors (aspartame and MSG cause weight gain due to their effect on appetite). Continue reading What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?

How can I keep fit on holiday?


I’m going on holiday for two weeks, no weights, no pull-up bars virtually no equipment ( I’ve got some press-up grips) how can I keep fit?


The MOST important thing is to eat naturally..without medicines, chemicals, “starving” your self etc.

first, it would be best for you to eat as healthy as possible..this will also help you considerably to lose weight gradually and naturally..

eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of WATER..avoid all cokes, caffeines, smoking, alchohol etc. as these also add weight as well as they contain chemicals which disturb your natural bio rythmns as well as brain chemistry. try not to eat too much meat, and the meat you should eat should be “lean meat” such as steamed chicken and rice, or steamed fish with rice..and vegetables,, this should be your staple diet rice and vegetables with fruits..AVOID “JUNK FOOD” and “Fast Food” as this type of food is very unhealthy, lacking in vitamins really and has plenty of fattening molecules which make one gain weight and is not good .

if you snack,, try fruits with yogurt or fruit yogurt and nuts.. nuts are very healthy for your body .and contain proteins.

go for walks every evening or morning or whenever you get time each day for 1 hour or 2 hours..make this somewhere you enjoy walking even if you have to drive a bit to there..and make this a daily routine..you will enjoy it once you get into it ..and it makes you feel great after..just walking for 1 hour or 2 hours.

if you do this..every day for one month ..you should lose around 10 pounds (.714 stone) per month until you get to your natural healthy weight.. look up on the internet for an idea of what your weight for your height should be ..and when you get to this weight,,your body will look very nice and you will feel very good. Continue reading How can I keep fit on holiday?