Tag Archives: motivated

How to get motivation to lose weight?

Hi everyone, I am 13, 5’3 and 150 pounds. I’m obviously overweight and I think it’s a good time to start to lose some weight. I’ve tried several times and I give up very easily(the most I lost was 6 pounds and I gained it back). I’ve been told out of no where by several adults besides my parents that I need to exercise/lose at least __ pounds which is kind of embarrassing and has hurt my feelings, even though they’re right. Any tips on getting motivated and how to lose 30ish pounds by the summer or December? In December I’m possibly going to my parents’ home country and it’s always hot there, so I’m sure I’ll be swimming and wearing summer attire. My main problems are that I find it hard to not overeat, I love junk food, and I am kind of picky with vegetables. Ideas on getting over these problems? Also, I feel embarrassed to tell my parents about how I want to lose weight because last time I wanted to, my mom told her side (they’re judgmental about my body since they’re all skinny) and they all teased me because they thought I wanted to impress a boy. :/ Sorry this sounds complicated but thank you for any tips given.
Thank you guys so much for your answers. 🙂 I wish I could give you all 10 points for your answers but I think I will let people vote for it since I think they’re all great. But still, thank you very much! I hope I will soon become a healthier being and share my story to others in the future.
Answer 1:
Reward Yourself :: One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to reward yourself with non-food rewards that you will look forward to and enjoy. It can be something tangible (a new book) or something intangible (no less important), such as a lazy Saturday of watching movies in bed.

Track Your Progress and Portions :: Whether you keep a spreadsheet on your computer or simply jot down your stats in a notebook, keeping an eye on your progress will keep you motivated. You can track your weight, measurements, or BMI — it is up to you. By looking back at how far you’ve come, you’re less likely to revert to old habits.

Master Emotional Eating :: To achieve long-term weight loss success, you will have to come face-to-face with any emotional eating habits by asking some important questions: Do you overeat when you’re angry? Do you splurge on an extra serving of dessert when you’re feeling frustrated?

Prepare for the Pushers :: There will always be people who encourage you to go off your diet “just this once.” That’s not really a problem until “this once” becomes time and time again. If every time you see someone you go off the rails at their suggestion, it may mean you need to distance yourself or have a serious talk with about your weight loss efforts. Continue reading How to get motivation to lose weight?