Tag Archives: motivate

7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Too many people have failed too many times at losing weight. What is the secret ingredient, beyond calorie reduction and a change in diet?
It’s really as simple as it gets! The secret to losing weight is…
Stay active!
New research by Oregon Health & Science University scientists reveals that simply reducing caloric intake is not sufficient to promote significant weight loss.
If you want to lose weight, the best way is to increase your metabolism. Diet is not enough! Starvation is fairly inefficient too – the body then goes into conservation mode, which minimizes fat loss. What usually follows is binge eating out of desperate hunger. The additional calories are then converted into even more fat. Not recommended. This is why the majority of diets fail, and this supports a massive industry.
The formula is simple – what we EAT is our energy INTAKE (calories). What we CONSUME for maintaining life, digestion and all metabolic functions (anabolism and catabolism) is referred to as our METABOLISM. Energy IN versus ENERGY CONSUMED is the net result – i.e. what we currently look like.
Calories are how we measure the energy in the food we eat and the energy our body uses. The recommended calories per day for a normal healthy adult are: 2,000 Calories for Women; 2,500 Calories for Men.
Everything requires energy.  Even simply maintaining your posture burns calories. The body is constantly burning the energy produced by respiration to maintain life, and all the associated metabolic processes. The average person requires 20% of their energy for brain functions, and the rest is mostly used to maintain the metabolism of the muscles, organs and tissues.
The best way to burn more calories is to build muscle through resistance training. For each pound of muscle that you gain, you burn approximately 50-70 calories in addition per day (5 pounds of muscle gain equates to burning 250-350 calories a day!) That’s fantastic motivation to start a workout program.  With that in mind here are 7 tips to keep fit, lean and motivated!
1.  Move. Keep moving as much as you can whenever you can.
Some ideas: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Speed-walk instead of ambling along chatting on your phone. Have rigorous sex instead of slow sex. For workout ideas, check out Body Rock TV. If this doesn’t inspire you into action, nothing will!
2.  Avoid all sugar and ‘hidden’ sugars like high-fructose corn syrup. 
Instead of sugar-laden, over-processed hot chocolate, invest in raw cacao – available in your nearest health store or online – an amazing food source of muscle-relaxing magnesium and antioxidants for muscle recovery.
3.  Keep your immune system in great health.
The two primary culprits I come across for suppressed immune function, are fatigue and stress. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, and listen to your body. If you’re going to use supplements, Maca is my number one super food. My favorite immune herbs are Echinacea and Olive leaf extract. Also Andrographis is awesome if you feel a cold coming on. Bee pollen and zinc are worth considering, as well.
4. Keep meal portions small especially if they’re cooked.
If you do eat cooked food, eat it with raw food – as cooked food alone leads to a reactive immune response. Combining raw and cooked is the solution. Keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day via regular nutrient-rich snacks and meals. My favorites are raw nuts and berries, especially delicious with a dab of organic yogurt.
5. Find a great personal trainer and yoga instructor to keep you consistent. 
Commit to regular training and classes at least twice a week. For your workouts, make sure you work out intensely with short bursts of energy, and lots of sweat. For yoga, stay consistent and you’ll get results! Continue reading 7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Lose weight?

Lose weight for teens


i’m 18 and a half, 5 foot 2 and about 135 pounds. i’d like to get down to 120-125 pounds by the end of the summer (late august so i have about 8/9 weeks?) and lose one size so my jeans wont be so tight anymore haha
i love working out but i can’t seem to control my hunger. i’ll eat a ton of food, and they go mountain biking for an hour and then do pilates…i’ve tried to cut back on food but then it seems like i don’t have enough energy to work out at my usual intensity, and i end up just going overbored and pig out again…
i have a full time summer job. and it seems like right now lunch is the hardest time of the day to eat healthy portions because i’m home for a whole hour…would adding slim fast hunger control shakes or something to replace my lunch make me full enough to lose weight? Continue reading Lose weight?

How do you lose weight without eating slimming pills of any sort? Is exercise required too?


Plus, if exercise is required, what type of exercise would it be best for all ages? Please answer this question SENSIBLY and DO NOT GIVE ME ANY CRAP ANSWERS!!!


Answer 1:

Almost everyone knows that loosing weight is about changing your eating habits to a considerable extent. What many people don’t realize is that this cannot just be done overnight! If you try to make drastic changes in your diet too quickly, chances are that you will only be frustrated and disappointed with your loosing that belly fat.

Also, there is more to weight loss than just diet and exercise. In this article I will give two great Tips on How to Get Rid of Belly Fat.

1. Avoid self-sabotaging train of thoughts: Self-sabotaging thoughts will do you more harm than think. Just imagine, if you always think that you cannot do the things you need to do in order to lose weight, how can you ever loose that belly fat? If you think that you cannot do sit-ups and push-ups, you are probably jumping to conclusions and being too overly self-crital even before you have tried any exercises! If you think that doing thirty push-ups is too much for you, then start small. Start with 10-15 push-ups, and thank yourself once you have done it successfully! Then try to add one or two extra push-ups every day to your routine until you reach your target of thirty.

You see, when you start small, it becomes much easier to reach your goals! Instead of thinking too much about it, just take action and DO it! The amount of time you spend on thinking and criticizing yourself, you may as well as spend it on some exercise. While the former will do you no good, the latter will help you burn fat and loose that belly fat fast! Continue reading How do you lose weight without eating slimming pills of any sort? Is exercise required too?

How to control the Obesity – Give any Exercise Plan and Diet Plan?


Friends, any idea About the Exercise Plan and Diet Plan and how to contorl the Weight.


Answer 1:

The simplest and the most basic principle is to reduce food intake, especially the fat content, and increasing physical activity. Increasing physical activity alone is not an easy way to lose weight unless one combines it with a reduction of fat intake. Physical activity includes walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics or any other household activity such as cleaning, washing, climbing stairs etc. The sense of well-being and weight loss motivates an individual to make changes in his or her diet as well. The best way of keeping a good control on ones dietary intake is to keep a daily diary, and writing down whatever one eats as one eats. Avoid high oil content in the curries and do not use butter on chappatis, which may be tasty without the fat. The doctor or health care provider evaluates the daily diet and plans a diet providing calories enough to maintain the weight below the ideal body weight.

Increase your physical; activity and reduce the intake of food. Your initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce the bodyweight by 10% from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted. Weight loss should be 1-2 kg for 6 months. Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. Reducing dietary fat along with dietary carbohydrates can help reduce calories. Weight maintenance program should be priory after 6 months.

In order to maintain one’s weight, calories consumed should be equal to calories used. Energy balance is like a scale. When calories consumed are more than calories used, it results in weight gain. Let physical activity tip the scale in your favour. You can perform aerobic exercises 30 minutes a day thrice week. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Certain medicines are also available for weight reduction. There are two main types of weight reducing drugs: one class decreases appetite while the other prevents dietary fat from being absorbed by the body. These drugs should be taken only with doctor’s advice, as there are a lot of side effects related with their use. Surgery to cure obesity should be undertaken as the last resort for people who are very obese, have tried all the other options available and have medical problems. The main surgical option is to have your stomach banded or stapled so that it cannot accommodate more food. Why not eat less voluntarily? Continue reading How to control the Obesity – Give any Exercise Plan and Diet Plan?