Tag Archives: loss

What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?


As the weather gets warmer we become more self-conscious about our weight. Since summer is right around the corner it is time to get our fat loss diet in check.

What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?

What is a reasonable amount of weight to lose in 12 weeks?

What are some important tips for someone who wants to lose the fat, but maintain their muscle gains?


Of course, there are a huge number of weight loss blogs to choose from. There are a number of medically supervised and very expensive calorie restricted programs costing thousands of dollars, however, that doesn’t make these programs effective. According to Gina Kolata, who did extensive research on the topic, the most popular diets are also ineffective for the vast majority of people over an extended period of time. If you embark on a 12-week diet, you will lose weight for the first 12-weeks and then re-gain the weight after that.

To be effective, you must embark on a permanent lifestyle change that includes a radically different way of eating. I lost 90 pounds and kept it off without having to pay anyone for anything.I read “Eat More, Weigh Less” by Dr. Dean Ornish. Former President Bill Clinton reversed his heart disease and lost 25 pounds by eating the same low-fat whole plant based diet. His was supervised by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. at the Cleveland Clinic.

My advice is to go to the web sites of the following experts to seek help:

Professor Emeritus T. Colin Campbell of Cornell (he wrote “The China Study”)
Dr. Neal Barnard (“Food for Life”)
Dr. Joel Fuhrman (“Fasting and Eating for Health”)
Dr. John McDougall (“The McDougall Plan”)
Dr. Dean Ornish (“The Spectrum”)
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. (“Forks Over Knives”)

The “Whole Plant Based Diet” is the program that is ideal for optimal health and maintaining an ideal weight. It’s a lifestyle change, not a pill or a quick fix. If you are not in it for the long-term, your weight loss will not last.

You can very easily lose 1/2 pound per week if you choose foods carefully and avoid commercially processed food like products. If you choose a medically supervised fast, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week of fat (the other weight is water weight and will come back on your body after the fast ends).

Instead of dairy, choose leafy greens containing iron, calcium, and protein. Eat whole grains (brown rice, quinoa) and ligumes (peas, beans, lentils) for additional proteins. Take a B12 and D supplement if you go vegetarian. Continue reading What is the best 12-week diet plan for fat loss?

Superfoods for fast weight loss

While there’s no such thing as the perfect diet, there are key foods that research has shown can help you lose weight. These foods work in different ways and for different reasons, but all have in common that people who eat them as part of a weight loss plan lose more weight faster than those who don’t. Here are 5 foods shown in recent studies to help the pounds come off more quickly. More foods to come as the studies come out.

1. Protein

I’m fond of this macronutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and muscle. It’s also a fabulous weight-loss aid, according to a 2005 study from Arizona State University. Protein increased satiety (satisfaction and feelings of fullness) and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn. I love that: three benefits in one. Earlier research also found that people following higher-protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an average of 10 percent (about 200 calories).

2. Raw Fruits & Vegetables

You’ll not only maintain your weight much easier if you eat more RAW fruits & veggies but you’ll also lose weight much faster on a weight loss plan eating more RAW fruits & veggies and here’s another quick fact…

Your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a meal that’s mostly fruits & vegetables than if you ate a meal without any fruits or vegetables plus…

Fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C like Oranges, lemons & pineapples liquefy (or burn off) body fat so the fat can be easily flushed out of your body and you need to eat RAW fruits & vegetables because…

Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.

3. Pistachios

These nuts are the perfect snack for the weight-conscious because they’re high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Don’t be fooled by the “fat” label, either; the fat in pistachios is unsaturated fat, the brain- and heart-healthy type.

Calorie counts are misleading too; not all calories are created equal. Researchers from the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition followed two groups of people on identical low-calorie diets for 12 weeks. One group ate 240 calories worth of pistachios as their afternoon snack,  the other ate 220 calories worth of pretzels. The BMI (body mass indexes) of the pistachio group showed more improvement, and their cholesterol and triglyceride levels dropped as well. While shelled pistachios are more convenient, the longer amount of time required to shell them yourself makes the snack more satisfying. Continue reading Superfoods for fast weight loss

What are some tips to stick to a low-carb diet?


I have previously been on a low carb diet and lost 4 kilos in the first 2 weeks, but after i noticed that i wasn’t losing any more weight, so i ended up quitting the diet and went back to my regular diet. I’m planning on starting the atkins diet again but am worried that i won’t lose more than 4 kilos again. I was consuming 30g of carbs a day, with plenty of water. Have i done something wrong? How can i maintain my weight loss on the atkins diet?


The body loses weight very easily the first 6 weeks on Atkins program. The body readjusts for up to 2 weeks at this point, which freaks a lot of people out. They make the mistake of cutting calories (which slows metabolism) or quitting. I assumed my body had lost all it was going to lose. (I never thought I could lose weight & wasn’t even trying, I just had to quit gaining weight. I was scared of low calories so forced an extra 1000 calories a day & still lost massive amounts of weight.) So I increased my calories & carbs another 5g and a few days later “poof” I lost 10# overnight. I didn’t think that was even physically possible, but the weight lost continued albeit, much slower thereafter.

Lowering calories has the body in full conversion mode to slow metabolic process & preserve the fat stores while “releasing” lean tissues (which become extraneous). Low carb works by “releasing” excess fat stores, while low calorie works by catabolizing the body’s lean tissues & fat stores. So the body adjusts occasionally, makes sure there is plenty of food & sees there is no reason to continue holding onto excess fat stores. People think low carb is for weight loss, when in fact it is for normalizing a body & excess fat stores are not normal. Carbs force fat storage with a high carb diet & that is not normal either. Continue reading What are some tips to stick to a low-carb diet?

7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Work

Stay focused on getting slimmer and staying that way

The phone call was desperate, the voice pleading: “I’m afraid I’m going to be a great fat blob on my wedding day! Can you help me?”

She came to see me. Sheila was her name: “It’s always the same. I get motivated for a few days, lose weight, then something happens and I pile it all on again and more! I’m getting married in three months! You’d think that would be motivation enough but my weight’s been even more all over the place lately!”

Sheila was right. Weight loss motivation is easy…at first. Rapid progress, compliments, wearing the clothes you really want to, feeling more attractive, more energy. All this positive feedback is motivating, captivating. But inevitably this weight loss ‘honeymoon period’ wanes. And that’s when it can get tough.

How do slim people do it?

Living like a slim person needs to be a way of life. If a healthy weight can only be sustained through constant positive feedback and the excitement of feeling newly slimmer then it won’t be sustainable long term.

“What do you mean: “Something happens”? I asked Sheila.
“Well I might have an upset at work, or my son will wind me up or I’ll start worrying about being fat at my wedding!” Ah, so Sheila was doing what millions of people who struggle with their weight do. She was using food for emotional support as well as simply nutrition.

Our goal was simple. We needed her to start thinking and behaving like a slim person long term up to and beyond her wedding.Here are some approaches we used and you can really ‘make them your own’ so they work for you 🙂

1) Natural weight loss motivation means thinking slim.

Think about this: What do you experience just before you eat something? That all important moment. Do you wrestle with yourself? “I really shouldn’t but I want to!” Do you imagine how it’s going to taste, feel in the mouth? The texture and taste? Or do you focus on the real consequences not just the transitory satisfactions of eating.

Overweight people tend to imagine how it’s going to taste and feel as they eatwhereas people who naturally ‘eat slim’ tend to imagine how all that stodgy pie or cake will feel hanging heavy in their stomachs after they’ve eaten it. Jumping from a great height may feel fun whilst it lasts but the consequences come after we hit the ground and it’s that which we consider when deciding not to do it.

So practice the habit (until it becomes natural for you) of imagining, when your being tempted to eat what you don’t need, how your stomach is going to feel ten minutes or an hour after you’ve consumed weight increasing food.

Or, use this short audio to boost your weight loss motivation now:

2) Hang out with slim people.

I’m not suggesting you ditch all your less-than-slender friends but research has shown that the body type of the average person you hang out with affects yourweight and size (1) So start hanging around (perhaps at the gym) with slimmer, fitter types and you’ll start feeding your subconscious mind the message of what is ‘normal’. Sheila started hanging out with slim types at a jogging club and socialized with some of them too. Continue reading 7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Work

How can I maximise my fat loss?


I eat 3 healthy meals and two snacks daily, and I run twice a day, each time for at least 15 minutes. Though I eat healthy and exercise, I am seeing no difference in the amount of fat on my body, especially the stomach area. I am 16, about 5 foot 5, and weight about 128lbs, so I am not overweight, I am just trying to get rid of additional stomach fat.

How can I maximise my fat loss?


Answer 1:

your meals may be healthy, but are they low calorie? youre biggest thing is to figure out your caloric intake to stay at the weight you are at now, then subtract 500 calories from your diet a day. also, it is a common misconception that you should eat 3 big meals a day and snack in between, this is what your real meals should look like (though the servings will be off because i dont know your weight)

say you wake up at 8 am ok

8 am : 15-20 min cardio then a recovery shake.. something to put back electrolytes. also take your multivitamin in the morning

9 am : fruit, dairy, protein ex) egg whites only and milk bananas are higher than most fruits in calories so try berries

11:30 am : snack, this should be a small snack like string cheese or yogurt something like that

2:00 pm : protein veggie dressing so maybe, chicken salad with light dressing

5:00 pm: snack, again something small to curb your hunger it can be a fruit or veggie celery and pb make a good snack and give you a serving of veggie and protein

8:00 pm: carb veggie protein fat ex) you could have like chicken tacos; corn tortillas chicken veggies- also when i say fat you do need some fat in your diet. stay away from saturated fat and trans fat, you need monounsaturated and polyunsaturated those are good fats.

its up to you when you take in your carbs, some people say its better to take them in the morning so you are able to burn the calories through out the day. it really depends on when you do your second workout if youre looking to maximize fat loss, you should exercise 2 times a day cardio in the morning and then specific area in the evening like abs one day upper body the next legs and butt the next.. always switch it up.. dont overdo one area with out giving it time to recover..its like beating a dead horse.

you want to make sure youre taking in sufficient amount of fiber, this will regulate your digestive system.. as gross as it sounds the average person carries an extra 4-8lbs of body weight in stool because they are not eliminating regularly (at least once a day)
be sure to take in foods that are antioxidants.. if you notice you feel sluggish and tired even though youve gotten plenty of sleep (8-10hrs) then chances are youre not gettin the antioxidants you need Continue reading How can I maximise my fat loss?

How to get motivation to lose weight?

Hi everyone, I am 13, 5’3 and 150 pounds. I’m obviously overweight and I think it’s a good time to start to lose some weight. I’ve tried several times and I give up very easily(the most I lost was 6 pounds and I gained it back). I’ve been told out of no where by several adults besides my parents that I need to exercise/lose at least __ pounds which is kind of embarrassing and has hurt my feelings, even though they’re right. Any tips on getting motivated and how to lose 30ish pounds by the summer or December? In December I’m possibly going to my parents’ home country and it’s always hot there, so I’m sure I’ll be swimming and wearing summer attire. My main problems are that I find it hard to not overeat, I love junk food, and I am kind of picky with vegetables. Ideas on getting over these problems? Also, I feel embarrassed to tell my parents about how I want to lose weight because last time I wanted to, my mom told her side (they’re judgmental about my body since they’re all skinny) and they all teased me because they thought I wanted to impress a boy. :/ Sorry this sounds complicated but thank you for any tips given.
Thank you guys so much for your answers. 🙂 I wish I could give you all 10 points for your answers but I think I will let people vote for it since I think they’re all great. But still, thank you very much! I hope I will soon become a healthier being and share my story to others in the future.
Answer 1:
Reward Yourself :: One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to reward yourself with non-food rewards that you will look forward to and enjoy. It can be something tangible (a new book) or something intangible (no less important), such as a lazy Saturday of watching movies in bed.

Track Your Progress and Portions :: Whether you keep a spreadsheet on your computer or simply jot down your stats in a notebook, keeping an eye on your progress will keep you motivated. You can track your weight, measurements, or BMI — it is up to you. By looking back at how far you’ve come, you’re less likely to revert to old habits.

Master Emotional Eating :: To achieve long-term weight loss success, you will have to come face-to-face with any emotional eating habits by asking some important questions: Do you overeat when you’re angry? Do you splurge on an extra serving of dessert when you’re feeling frustrated?

Prepare for the Pushers :: There will always be people who encourage you to go off your diet “just this once.” That’s not really a problem until “this once” becomes time and time again. If every time you see someone you go off the rails at their suggestion, it may mean you need to distance yourself or have a serious talk with about your weight loss efforts. Continue reading How to get motivation to lose weight?

Can a healthy diet lower your immunities or immune system?


Around November of last year, i switched over from a disgusting junk food thriving, soda drinking, chain smoking living habit to a cleaner more exercise and healthy eating habit. Before i switched, i got sick maybe once a year. Ever since i changed things, I’ve caught several colds, and a very mild case of strep. Basically what i’m asking is can a healthier diet put you at risk for sickness or common viruses?

Answers (2):

Answer 1:

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .

Basically there are 3 types of Diet


Check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .

Inorder to Lose Weight eat 5 Small meals every 2 hours a day . Inorder to Gain Weight eat 5 Big meal every 2 hours a day.

-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.


Kidney beans
Brussel sprout

Liv 52
Euterpe Oleracea
Sea food
Iodized salt
Red meat

-Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.


Dairy foods
Kidney beans
Lima beans

Liv 52
Euterpe Oleracea
Vegetable oils
Soya foods

-Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.


Sesame seeds

Liv 52
Euterpe Oleracea
Green vege
Lamb Liver

__ Blood group Type AB.


Red meat
Kidney beans

Liv 52
Euterpe Oleracea
Green vege
Dairy products
Alkaline fruits

Answer 2:

Hey, I recommend that you try Hypnotherapy!
No, I’m not kidding you on this. I used to weigh 198 lbs and my height is only 5’8″ – for my height and with that kind of weight I’m really obese! I tried the “Master clense” and other diet recipes, and I even watched Richard Simmons videos but they didn’t helped me at all!

I tried going to a gym with a strict diet once and within a week later, I stopped going to gym and started eating more than before. It brought me back to where I started again. I am sure you happen to experience it like me.

One day, I was watching CNN news and they interviewed this hypotherapist guy, his name is Steve. I myself do not believe in hypnotherapy but the hypnotherapist was rather convincing so I visited his site (http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.tk/) and he has a “Weight Loss Powerpack”. I bought the part 2 “Weight Loss Powerpack 2” which consist of Weight Loss, Stop Binge Eating and I Love To Exercise. It is more affordable than a month of subscription to the gym and having those strict diets.

The first few days I realized my eating dropped significantly and my weight dropped a little. A week later, I begin to feel motivated to exercise and such! His hypnotherapy works! It has been a month already since I bought his program and I already lost 18.3 lbs! I recommend you give it a shot!

I would like to know how to lose weight through diet and exercise any tips?


I can not run because of a knee injury but other than that I would like to know how to make a balanced diet that will help me to lose weight also exercise so I can lose body fat as well.


Well firstly, you need to be eating a healthy balanced, low fat diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Eat lean meats (no fat on), poultry (no skin on), fish with scales on (not in batter or breadcrumbs), eggs, fresh fruit, vegetables, beans & pulses, low fat dairy products, skimmed milk, sugar free beverages, tea, coffee, and non sugary cereals.

Try to include as many wholefoods as possible into your diet. Such as brown rice, brown pasta, beans & pulses, and brown bread. These are all high in fiber and will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

DO make sure you keep all JUNK FOODS, ready made processed meals, (the ones you buy in the supermarket), alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks, and takeaway meals to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. These are all high in refined sugar and full of saturated fat. The two main ingredients which are responsible for those extra pounds.

Remember JUNK FOOD is just what it says – JUNK. With one added ingredient in – FAT.

Have three regular meals a day. At regular times. Always starting with breakfast. This way you are less likely to indulge in snacks later on during the morning.

Sit down to eat your meals. Take time over them. Paying particular attention to what you are eating. Continue reading I would like to know how to lose weight through diet and exercise any tips?

What exactly is a healthy diet plan? What worked for you?


I need to lose 50-60 pounds, I’m trying to figure out what exactly would be a healthy diet plan. I’ve looked into different programs and now I just want to see what worked for everybody else. 

I’ve started a exercise program, now I’m trying to get on the healthy eating diet portion of it. Can anybody give me suggestions? Maybe programs that worked, or types of foods to stick with and stay away from…


Unfortunately, anyone who accumulates over 30# of excess fat is more than likely insulin resistant. Long term ingestion of highly refined carbs “burn out” the insulin receptors on muscle cells, so calories go directly to fat cells, leaving muscle cells screaming for nutrition. Exercise forces muscles to accept glucose out of the bloodstream without the need for insulin.

Most people get obese because their bodies just can’t process carbs any more. They become insulin resistant & carbs go straight to fat cells. As healthy as fruit may be, it just doesn’t promote fat loss. The body won’t release fat stores until the blood stream is free of insulin. In someone insulin resistant, the insulin response is too sensitive & produces too much insulin.

Simple carbs are addictive & can be disastrous to health. The best way to break the addiction is NO carbs for 3 days. Make a huge batch of deviled eggs, eat one every time you want “something” – have huge omelets with bacon, sausage, peppers, mushrooms & cheese. Pork chops smothered with peppers, mushrooms & cheese – pork rinds & dip or tuna/chicken/turkey/egg salad – steaks – a huge sugar free cheese cake. Eat so much you won’t feel deprived of anything. By the 4th day, the addiction will be gone & the low carb way of eating will create a natural appetite suppression that makes it much easier to make healthy choices.

You can lose more body fat eating protein & fat (don’t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast, eat all you want, but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter & half an avocado a day (for added potassium). Keep the calories high & the fat percentage high, at least 65% of calories. Green vegetables & some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace. Continue reading What exactly is a healthy diet plan? What worked for you?

What is the best diet to go on with close to immediate results?


So far I’m planning to eat a lot of fish, taking Hoodia, and I have an excersise routine… tell me of a effective diet plan you have went on


It seems that everybody wants to lose weight. But when most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is they want to lose weight without altering their current lifestyle. They want to lose weight without changing the foods that they eat, or without getting up off the couch, turning off the television, and engaging in regular physical exercise. Not surprisingly, there is a huge market that offers shortcuts to weight loss through cosmetic surgery, diet pills, nutritional supplements, and various diets — such as the Atkins Diet.

There’s a growing group of people who leap from one weight loss fad to another, in search of the one thing that’s going to finally help them lose weight without having to alter the foods they eat. People don’t want to give up their soft drinks; they don’t want to give up pizza, and ice cream, and fast food. And they sure don’t have time to go out and exercise on a regular basis. So the shortcuts market is absolutely astounding — $9.4 billion was spent last year on cosmetic surgery alone, and hundreds of millions more were spent on weight loss pills, fat burning nutritional supplements, and low-carb foods. It’s a tremendous market, and the public seems to be more than willing to keep spending money on these items, even though the real answers are to be found in something entirely different.

The reality of weight loss is that there are no shortcuts! You can have cosmetic surgery to remove fat from your thighs, or the back of your arms, but if you continue eating the way you’ve been eating, your body will just deposit the fat somewhere else on your body — usually in a place that looks even stranger than when it was on your hips. Even if the cosmetic surgery works out for you, it doesn’t alter your blood chemistry, your cardiovascular health, or your level of physical fitness. Meaning that you are just as unhealthy after the surgery as you were before, even though you may physically show less body fat. Something similar is true with foods as well. Many people continue to eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and obesity-promoting ingredients, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Then in an attempt to lose weight, they will take a couple of weight loss pills each day, and hope that those pills will some how counteract the entire day of eating unhealthy, obesity-promoting foods. It just doesn’t work this way.

If you really want to lose weight, you’ve got to do two things. First you have to avoid foods that promote obesity and weight-gain. These are the foods that are consumed by the vast majority of Americans, and are the ones that are the most popular in grocery stores and restaurants. Any food that’s processed or manufactured is very likely to promote obesity, or some other chronic disease. Foods made with refined white flour or refined sugar, for example, will undoubtedly alter your blood sugar levels and tell your body to start storing fat. Foods high in saturated animal fats, such as red meat, or foods that are high in hydrogenated oils, like margarine or shortening, will also pack on the body fat, and harm your cardio-vascular health at the same time. Achieving a healthy body weight absolutely requires taking these foods out of your diet for the rest of your life. You can have either soft drinks and processed foods, or a healthy body weight — but not both. In fact, much of the foods available today in the national food supply are simply incompatible with a healthy body weight, no matter how much surgery you undergo, and no matter how many weight loss supplements you attempt to take. Continue reading What is the best diet to go on with close to immediate results?