Phase I of low carb diets allow chicken, and require few carbs a day. The KFC grilled chicken has 0g of carbs. Do calories matter since it is a low carb diet?
KFC grilled chicken (without eating the bun) is fine for low carb. Even the grilled “double down” which is 2 chicken breasts between bacon & cheese is fine.
High calories do not matter – it’s important not to have low calories though. As long as you have <9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control & shouldn’t gain weight, no matter the calories because insulin, the fat storage hormone is not activated.
The first 2 weeks when foods are limited you still eat a high fiber diet – just these 4 foods which should be eaten daily during induction, gives you 33.5grams of dietery fiber – well over the RDA of 25g & much higher than the Standard American Diet. After 2 weeks, you are allowed almost all nonstarchy vegs (less than 25g net carbs in week 3)
21g total carbs – 13g fiber – 8g net carbs – Lettuce, Romaine- 1 head
12g total carbs – 8g fiber – 4g net carbs – Celery – 4 cups chopped
6g total carbs – 4.5g fiber – 1.5g net carbs – half an avocado
8g total carbs – 8g fiber – .5g net carbs – Flaxseed 1 ounce 4T
47g total carbs – 33.5g fiber – 14g net carbs
Every day you should be eating these 2 items. If you need additional fat or calories, you can add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil to the ground flax seed cereal. I highly recommend virgin coconut oil for people needing quick energy – coconut oil is the only fat that is converted to quick energy like a carb. Continue reading Can I eat KFC grilled chicken on introduction to a low carb diet?