Secret Weapons to Get Stunningly Fit
What if I told you that you could get in the best shape of your life even if you didn’t have time to exercise, even if you were busy, and even if you didn’t know where to start?
I’m talking about developing an enviable physique, whether it means increased endurance and heart function, tight and sexy thighs, butt and legs, or muscular arms.
There are tons of exercises that can give you results, but if you want those results fast, why not focus on the very best exercises – the “secret weapons”? Although these exercises are well-known, you might not have realized their importance or how to incorporate them into your routine – until today.
#1 Squats: The squat is one of the most basic all-around fitness exercises that you can do, and it is one of the best. It works several body parts at once, including your core, quads, hamstrings and calves. There are many different types of squat. For an intense workout in 5 minutes a day, I suggest trying the squat-based Lightning Speed Fitness Program, from Roger Haeske.
No matter what you do, you should incorporate squats into your routine. If you train for strength, squat using a barbell or holding dumbells in your hands. If you want to train for endurance or cardio, use body-weight squats such as in Roger’s Lightning Speed Fitness Program.
#2 Pushups: This exercise is no secret, but not enough people take advantage of it. Many women and even men still have weak, flabby arms and chests. The best way to develop them is by starting to incorporate daily pushups into your routine. They work the chest, shoulders, triceps, back and abs (core).
The key with pushups is to incorporate different kinds of pushups into one routine. If you cannot do a standard “man” pushup, start with the “girl” version on your knees. Then work your way toward doing regular pushups.
#1 Wall pushup: Stand facing a wall. The farther your feet are from the wall, the harder it will be. Lean in toward the wall.
#2 Counter Pushup: Pushup leaning from the edge of a counter.
#3 Knee Pushup: the standard “girl” pushup on your knees
#4 Feet Elevated: you’ve now reached the regular pushup level, congratulations!
Other pushups that rule:
Wide Hands – place hands on the floor at a greater distance apart (past the shoulders). This works even more back muscles.
Close Hands – Place hands on the floor closer to each other (maybe a foot apart or less). Very difficult. Feet Elevated – Place your feet on a chair or other object and push up from the ground. More difficult. Handstand Pushup – This is my favorite pushup EVER and the ultimate exercise to build strong shoulders. If you’re a man, you need to be able to do this one.
Go to a handstand, your feet against the wall, then lower your head to the floor and push up. If you can do a few of those, you’re good. To help you succeed in mastering this pushup, you can first use your toes to help you “crawl” the wall, or have a friend hold your feet and help you through it. At first, your goal should be to simply stay in a handstand with your feet facing the wall. Continue reading The Top 5 Best Exercises