Like, when it’s raining or something. will running in place do anything?? i have a p.e. class once a week for 2 hours, and i ride my bike about twice a week. is this enough for me to keep fit?
Food for thought:
Wait at least 2.5 hours after eating before training or racing, this will prevent the felling of nausea during and after practices and when performing in competitions.
Trampoline Training:
Before running in place on a small trampoline, pick five or six of your favorite songs that have speeds that seem to be at the pace you run in your event(s). They all do not have to be at the same exact speeds. Run on the trampoline at the speed of the song for the entire song, rest an entire song and then get back on the trampoline and run the next song at the speed of the song, for the entire song. As you begin to tire towards the end of each song you are running, focus on your form: raising your knees, pumping your arms, keeping a straight posture, keeping your shoulders relaxed while, breathing through your mouth pushing the air in and out with your stomach. Do not twist your shoulders left and right and; swing your elbows backwards in about a 45 degree angle – straight line motion with the hands (open or closed) coming up to the side of your mouth. Do not allow your body to bob in a left and right motion. While practicing this way, think of yourself as running your event and apply the strategies needed in the race. See if you can run that race on the trampoline. Do this several times a session and this will have you in better shape to run your event. Continue reading Can running in place 6 mins a day for a week, keep you fit?