Tag Archives: healthy weight

Am I healthy for my height and age? If not, what is a good diet plan for me to become a healthy weight?


I am 14 years old, 5’4″ and 125-130 lbs. I am interested in being healthier and I was wondering if I am unhealthy the way that I am. I eat healthy in general, and I take vitamins daily. I am also very active in sports. Since I am more developed, my mom told me that it is normal for me to weigh more that other girls my size. Any help would be great! Thanks!

Answers (2):

Answer 1:

You are healthy:) I am 5’3 and I weight 124, but I want to lose fat and build/tone muscle, too.

If you eat under a certain amount of calories a day (it depends on your body weight), your body will go into starvation mode and start to store EVERYTHING you eat as fat because your body thinks that you are going through a famine.
One of the best ways to lose weight is to eat 6 small meals per day. There is a formula that can calculate how many calories per day you need to eat to lose weight and how many calories each small meal should be.

Current weight (lbs) / 2.2 (to convert lbs to kg) x 25 – 200 (calories) = ___ / 6 ( # of small meals)

EX: 124 lbs / 2.2 = 56 kg (about)
56 x 25 = 1400 cals
1400 cals – 200 cals = 1200 cals per day AT LEAST to LOSE WEIGHT
1200 / 6 = 200 cals (about) per small meal

current weight (lbs) / 2.2 x 30 = ___ / 6

Eating small meals throughout the day boosts your metabolism and burns more calories. Also, drinking green tea can really boost your metabolism and help you lose weight in a few weeks.
Make sure to eat a lot of steamed vegetables as well; at least a plate a day

Use this website as well (www.bodyrock.tv). This website is NOT trying to sell anything. Every week day, Zuzana and Freddy (the creators) post a short but SUPER INTENSE workout that can burn fat and build muscle. I usually do them twice a day; one in the morning and one at night. There are HUNDREDS of different workouts, recipes, and tips for getting into shape.
Here is my workout schedule (I wouldn’t recommend following my diet EXACTLY because I eat a different number of calories from you)

– Yogurt, nutrigrain bar, green tea

-30 minute interval/cardio workout

-1 cup (an actual cup measurement, not a glass or coffee cup) of water, 2 pieces of toast w/ 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter each, 1 cup of water

-2 cups of steamed green beans, green tea

-1 cup of water, one large fuji apple, 1 cup of water

-1 FiberOne bar, piece of toast w/ 1 tbsp of peanut butter, green tea

-Whatever workout is posted from the BodyRock website

-1 cup of water, a ham sandwhich w/ 1 tbsp of mayo, 1 cup of water

Notice how I drink 3 coffee cups of green tea per day, and how I drink at least 6 actual cups of water per day? Drinking water is very important in weight loss. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will store that water (*cough* waterweight *cough*)to save it (like what happens when you don’t eat enough calories). Also notice how I eat before and after each workout. Your body needs energy (food) to burn calories and needs food to help replenish that energy. If you don’t eat before/after each workout, your body will start to eat away at your muscles first. That will make you even weaker and unable to do the workouts which equals unable to lose weight. Your fat stores are SUPER DUPER important to your body, so it will usually eat away at your muscles before your fat.

I eat about 1200 calories per day because I am also trying to lose weight (I weigh 124 and I want to weight 119 for my next goal). Like I said, I wouldn’t follow my diet exactly if I were you, but I would try to create a diet based off of something like that. I will not eat the same thing everyday, but I will always make sure that it fits inside my calorie budget. Also, if you can, try to stay away from processed foods. If it is in a package that has a whole bunch of ingredients that you can’t pronounce, then it’s processed.

It takes the body at least 6 weeks to start noticing physical results. You might start to see changes within 2-4 weeks, but you will notice the changes begin to become more noticeable within 6-8 weeks.

Answer 2:

your mom is right.
your at a very healthy weight for your height, and remember, each girl is built differently.

also since your more active, your going to ALWAYS weigh mroe because youve got nice toned muscles.

i bet you have a supe rbody and have nothing to worry about. keep your chin up girl, your gorgeous!

How often to workout for maximum muscle gain?


How often should i workout a week for maximum muscle gain? Taking into account rest etc ofc!

Answers (2)

Answer 1:

The MOST important thing is to eat naturally..without medicines, chemicals, “starving” your self etc.

first, it would be best for you to eat as healthy as possible..this will also help you considerably to lose weight gradually and naturally..

eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of WATER..avoid all cokes, caffeines, smoking, alchohol etc. as these also add weight as well as they contain chemicals which disturb your natural bio rythmns as well as brain chemistry. try not to eat too much meat, and the meat you should eat should be “lean meat” such as steamed chicken and rice, or steamed fish with rice..and vegetables,, this should be your staple diet rice and vegetables with fruits..AVOID “JUNK FOOD” and “Fast Food” as this type of food is very unhealthy, lacking in vitamins really and has plenty of fattening molecules which make one gain weight and is very bad for overall health.

if you snack,, try fruits with yogurt or fruit yogurt and nuts.. nuts are very healthy for your body .and contain proteins.

go for walks every evening or morning or whenever you get time each day for 1 hour or 2 hours..make this somewhere you enjoy walking even if you have to drive a bit to there..and make this a daily routine..you will enjoy it once you get into it ..and it makes you feel great after..just walking for 1 hour or 2 hours.

if you do this..every day for one month ..you should lose around 10 pounds (.714 stone) per month until you get to your natural healthy weight.. look up on the internet for an idea of what your weight for your height should be ..and when you get to this weight,,your body will look very nice and you will feel very good.

10 pounds (.714 stone ) each month in 3 months you should lose 30 pounds (2 stones, 2 pounds)..for sure…but no junk food and dont drink alcohol or smoke, dont eat junk..just healthy food with vitamins and walking 1 hour or 2 hours every day..and drink plenty of water..this is guaranteed way to lose weight naturally and for good, if you stick to this, which you should,,as it makes you feel so much more positive due to the vitamins and lack of chemicals making you feel depressed…

btw, forgot to mention,,just in case you dont know how to really make healthy meals..buy a “food steamer” at your local deparment store..they are very cheap and work very well..as well as buy a “rice cooker” which is also very cheap..eating rice is a great way to get your necessary carbs “healthy carbs” to lose weight and has lots of natural energy inside. you can buy asian rice at most large supermarkets or if you have a local oriental market..they sale quality asian rice.. thai or indian rice is good “jasmine rice”.. buy corn or canola oil to sprinkle on vegetables or rice before steaming to add to taste as well as you can buy several nice spices like “cumin” or “Curry powders”, etc.just sprinkle on the vegetables before steaming to give nice taste.

drink “Green Tea” as this is very healthy and helps burn extra fat faster…you can buy quality green tea at most oriental shops or large supermarkets as well

Answer 2:

Drink a GALLON of WHOLE milk a day. Eat plenty of eggs, lean ground beef (or other red meat), tuna, almonds, walnuts, whole-wheat pasta, multigrain bread, beans of all sorts, and plenty of raw vegetables and fruits to balance it out. You should be eating a meal every 2-3 hours and consuming between 2000-4000 calories a day. Also make sure you are getting no less then 6 hours of sleep a night.

Get a workout that looks like this, and make sure you start with a fairly heavy weight 75-100 lbs and make sure to rest at least 2 minutes between working sets (not warm up sets):
Workout A:
Squats 3 sets of 5
Bench press 3 sets of 5
Dead lift 1 sets of 5

Workout B:
Squats 3 sets of 5
Shoulder press 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans 5 sets of 3

Alternate every other day (EX: Monday – workout A, Wednesday – workout B, Friday – workout A. Next Week: Monday – workout B, Wednesday – workout A, Friday – workout A. Etc.) Add 5 lbs everyday (10 lbs to dead lifts).

You should warm up for each lift like this:
2 sets of 5 with just the bar
1 set of 5 with 25% of the weight
1 set of 3 with 50% of the weight
1 set of 2 with 75% of the weight

You can add dips to the workout if you also want prettier arms.

If you want more details about this workout you can find everything you want to know by looking up Mark Rippetoe and feel free to email me with any questions or comments.