Hey! I’m 5’4, 16 years old, and 106lbs or so and I just got a gym membership and I’m trying to lose tummy fat (Get a flat tummy) and smaller legs. I don’t want to feel overwhelmed when I get to the gym. I want to know what I’m going to do. So what machines should I use and for how long and stuff like that? Thanks for your help!
Answers (2)
Answer 1:
The most important thing you need to know is that exercise is not the key to burning fat. That up to your diet. For details, read my answer about why exercise is not the key to fat loss —>;…
Check out these fat facts.
• If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you have to lose fat eventually. There are no exceptions to this fact.
• A pound of fat will yield about 3500 calories (Kcal) of energy.
• Your body will burn hundreds of calories even if you are in a coma. That’s your BMR. Go here to find out what it is –>…
• An average person must run or walk about 5 miles (8 km) every day to burn one pound of fat per week AND THEIR DIET MUST ALLOW IT.
• An average person must run or walk about 350 miles (563 km) to burn 10 pounds AND THEIR DIET MUST ALLOW IT.
• An average person who consumes 500 calories per day less than they burn will lose about a pound a week with no extra time or physical effort required.
• A average person dieting with a 500 calorie/day deficit will burn 10 pounds of fat in 10 weeks. The same person running 5Km (3 miles) per day with a Zero calorie/day deficit will burn 10 pounds in 16 weeks.
•Running only burns slightly more calories than walking as long as the distance remains the same.
• It does not matter if a person runs or walks a given distance…they will burn about the same number of calories. Although running burns slightly more than walking, the distance is far more significant than the speed over which it is traveled.
• It is not necessary to do “cardio” to burn fat. “Cardio” is aerobic exercise which elevates the heart rate to 80% of max and sustains it for the purpose of cardio-vascular fitness. You can burn fat in your sleep.
• Most of the calories you consume will be spent just keeping your body temperature at 98.6F.
• It doesn’t matter how hard or how long you exercise, you will not lose any fat if you eat too much. You can always eat more calories than you can burn. When it comes to burning fat, diet always trumps exercise.
No one can tell you what to do when you have not listed your goals and the equipment available at your gym. If all you want to do is burn calories, you don’t need a gym. You can do that dancing, running, walking, skating, hiking, cleaning house, doing yard work, cycling, etc. etc. So, you need goals and they should involve strength training…building muscle because that is the best metabolic investment anyone can make. Only strenth training can offer…
• Stronger bones & increased mineral density
• Stronger body & musculature
• More robust organ and systemic fitness
• Improved cardio-vascular function (better than “cardio”)
• Higher basal metabolic rate (50 cal/day/pound of muscle)
• Healthier immune system
• Easier fat loss
• Increased energy and efficiency
• Improved physical appearance
• Better poise, posture, & comportment
• Sleep better
• Better athletic performance
• Prevents natural loss of muscle mass over age 30
So, train like a man.
Good luck and good health!!
Answer 2:
Staying healthy and working out typically go hand in hand. Although, it is important to not over do your workout as this can lead to sprained muscles or ligaments. Instead you should focus on doing about 30-60 minutes per day of basic exercise. This should include about three sets with 10 repetitions a set of squats and some cardiovascular – running/shadowboxing.: