Tag Archives: headache

How stress affects your health


Stress and health are closely linked. It is well known that stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic health problems. In the long run they may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

10 Health Problems Related to Stress

What are some of the most significant health problems related to stress? Here’s a sampling.

  1. Heart disease. Researchers have long suspected that the stressed-out, type A personality has a higher risk of high blood pressure and heart problems. We don’t know why, exactly. Stress might have a direct effect on the heart and blood vessels. It’s also possible that stress is related to other problems — an increased likelihood of smoking or obesity — that indirectly increase the heart risks.
    Doctors do know that sudden emotional stress can be a trigger for serious cardiac problems, including heart attacks. People who have chronic heart problems need to avoid acute stress as much as they can.
  2. Asthma. Many studies have shown that stress can worsen asthma. Some evidence suggests that a parent’s chronic stress might even increase the risk of developing asthma in their children. One study looked at how parental stress affected the asthma rates of young children who were also exposed to air pollution or whose mothers smoked during pregnancy. The kids with stressed out parents had a substantially higher risk of developing asthma.
  3. Obesity. Excess fat in the belly seems to pose greater health risks than fat on the legs or hips — and unfortunately, that’s just where people with high stress seem to store it. “Stress causes higher levels of the hormone cortisol,” says Winner, “and that seems to increase the amount of fat that’s deposited in the abdomen.”
  4. Diabetes. Stress can worsen diabetes in two ways. First, it increases the likelihood of bad behaviors, such as unhealthy eating and excessive drinking. Second, stress seems to raise the glucose levels of people with type 2 diabetes directly.
  5. Headaches. Stress is considered one of the most common triggers for headaches — not just tension headaches, but migraines as well.
  6. Depression and anxiety. It’s probably no surprise that chronic stress is connected with higher rates of depression and anxiety. One survey of recent studies found that people who had stress related to their jobs — like demanding work with few rewards — had an 80% higher risk of developing depression within a few years than people with lower stress.
  7. Gastrointestinal problems. Here’s one thing that stress doesn’t do — it doesn’t cause ulcers. However, it can make them worse. Stress is also a common factor in many other GI conditions, such as chronic heartburn (GERD) and IBS, Winner says.
  8. Alzheimer’s disease. One animal study found that stress might worsen Alzheimer’s disease, causing its brain lesions to form more quickly. Some researchers speculate that reducing stress has the potential to slow down the progression of the disease.
  9. Accelerated aging. There’s actually evidence that stress can affect how you age. One study compared the DNA of mothers who were under high stress — they were caring for a chronically ill child — with women who were not. Researchers found that a particular region of the chromosomes showed the effects of accelerated aging. Stress seemed to accelerate aging about 9 to 17 additional years. Continue reading How stress affects your health

Cancer and cooking: How my low carb diet is helping me to fight this disease

My name is Hannah Bradley and I am 28-years-old. In February 2011 my world changed in an instant when I had a massive seizure in the early hours of the night. Luckily my partner was with me as I lost consciousness and was rushed to hospital. I really don’t remember much about the two months that followed apart from seeing many doctors and having constant headaches and a number of seizures.

I was frightened, confused and feared the worst. My worse fears came true when I was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour called Anaplastic Astrocytoma. I could see how serious this was by the fact that so many doctors who had me under their care. As I am sure you can imagine when I heard this news my whole world fell apart. I had so many questions going around my head, like why was this happening to me? What did the future hold and would I survive?

Five weeks after my initial diagnosis I had surgery and underwent a six-and-a-half hour operation. The surgeon was happy as he was able to remove the majority of the tumour. I made a good recovery and was back on my feet in just a few days. However I had to wait a few weeks for the results of the biopsy. I did my best to remain positive but negative thoughts plagued my mind. When I finally got the news it was once again devastating, the surgeon told me that I had a Grade III tumour. I did not want to know what this meant and never asked or looked on the internet. Two years on  since diagnosis I know now that the life expectancy for this condition is around 18 months.

I remember leaving the hospital with my partner and thinking that my life was over and all the hopes and dreams I had would never be realized. All my friends and family rallied around me and helped me find some bravery and strength that I didn’t even now I had.

Soon after I started  a six-week course of radiotherapy. I was really nervous about this, especially as it was explained to me that radiotherapy would probably result in my hair falling and that it was likely that the caner would return. After a few weeks my hair did start to fall out and once again I was devastated. Faced with this challenge, I did what many others have done before me, and shaved my head. Every time I did this I cried my eyes out. I tried to remain positive that the radiotherapy would be effective but again the results of next MRI were not what I wanted and some of the tumour was still active.

During this challenging time my partner, Pete had been looking for alternative treatments. He spent months contacting people who where still alive with the same condition. He managed to track down a number of them and found out that many of them had been on clinical trial in Houston, Texas.

We applied to be apart of this and thankfully that the Food and Drugs Administration which oversees public health in America accepted me to take part in a phase 2 clinical trial. This treatment was not available on the NHS and we faced with another big challenge of raising around £200,000. I was so fortunate as so many people came to my aid and helped me raise this money. It seemed an impossible task but the money came rolling in. In December 2011 we flew over to America and in January I started treatment. We stayed there for seven weeks and to my amazement the first scan I had showed the tumour was starting to shrink.

It’s now one year on and I have continued success. My passion to conquer this disease led me to make a number other changes in my life. Perhaps the biggest one has been dietary and specifically cutting simple sugars and starchy foods out of my diet. From my research I learned that the exclusive food of cancer is sugar.

I embraced this and cut out almost completely starchy carbohydrates and refined sugars by incorporating a sugar-free/starch-free food plan. The idea being that this diet would feed my body, mind and starve the cancer into submission. I have also learnt that this type of diet is good for blood sugar regulation, body composition and is consistent with the way that our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. Continue reading Cancer and cooking: How my low carb diet is helping me to fight this disease