Tag Archives: habits

Balancing your diet!

We all know the importance of a healthy lifestyle and choosing a balanced diet, but with so much information available it can be hard to sort fact from fiction.

Most people think they eat fairly well – surveys show 93 per cent of Australian shoppers describe their overall diet as extremely or very healthy. But surprisingly, only 15 per cent are very satisfied with their eating habits and 57 per cent plan to watch what they eat more closely in the future1. Clearly, health is high on people’s agendas.

The ‘secret’ to maintaining good health is combining a healthy eating plan with daily physical activity. While it may seem easy to follow the latest fad diet or trend going around, many of these plans excessively restrict your intake of foods or entire food groups which can lead to inadequacies in key nutrients. ‘Diets’ can also be hard to stick to for longer than a few weeks, and many people simply revert back to their old habits in the end. So here we get back to basics to help you put together your own healthy lifestyle plan.The basics

The basic principles of healthy eating are quite simple:

  • Foods are often categorised into five main groups based on their nutrient content. These are vegetables, breads and cereals, fruit, dairy and meats/alternatives. Each different food group provides unique nutrients to your diet, so it’s important to eat a variety of foods from each of the major food groups every day.
  • Eat moderate portions of all foods, with the exception of vegetables where you can generally eat plenty! (Just make sure you don’t overdo the starchy vegies such as potato, sweet potato and corn, which are higher in kilojoules than other vegies). Choosing smaller, frequent meals and snacks will help keep the variety in your diet. Continue reading Balancing your diet!

How does a low carb diet work?


I heard that after a few days if your body doesnt have a lot of carbs, your body starts to get rid of the fat. Something like that. Why is it that a low carb diet help you lose weight fast? I also heard in the news that the low carb diet is the most successful diet people get on.


Answer 1:

Does This Diet Work?

A low-carb diet really does work, and it works more quickly and more easily than any diet you’ve ever done before. That is, as long as you don’t cheat. More so than any other type of diet, sneaking a donut or a candy bar on a low-carb diet really *will* kill you. OK, it won’t kill you literally, but it will kill the fat-burning stage your body is in, requiring weeks to get yourself back on track. Believe me, that Milky Way is *NOT* worth it, no matter how much you might think so at the time.
How Quickly Will I Lose Weight?

Well, the answer depends on where you are starting, of course. If you’re only 10 lbs overweight to start with, you will not drop those 10 lbs in the first week and be done with it. It will be a more gradual process. However, if you are 100 lbs overweight, you might lose 10, 15, or even 20 pounds over the first two-week induction diet period, with it tapering to 2-4 lbs per week after that. [See the FAQ for more information on the stages of the diet itself.]

10-15 lbs in *two weeks*?!?! How can that possibly be healthy, you are asking. The two-week induction diet is meant as a jump-start for your system, to get it into maximum fat-burning mode quickly and successfully. But you do not stay on that diet after 14 days—you begin adding a few more carbo grams in at that point, to dial back the loss level to a more reasonable, *sustainable* level. It doesn’t do you any good to lose 30 lbs in a month, only to gain it right back after going off the diet. Continue reading How does a low carb diet work?