Tag Archives: fruits

10 Tips To Healthy Eating

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.

  1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
  2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don’t eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don’t enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods. Continue reading 10 Tips To Healthy Eating

harmful effects caused by fruits

Fruits are good for everyone but eating too many fruits causes adverse effects on your health.

Do not eat too many plums

Plums contain a lot of acids which decompose calcium– phosphorus and protein in our body, if the amount of these substances decreases, diseases can arise. Too many acids are not good for digestion. In addition, acids make our stump spoiled, especially kid’s teeth.

Eating to many mandarin oranges causes harm for your stomach

According to the study of experts, we should not eat more than 3 mandarin oranges per day. Because we just need 3 mandarin oranges to have enough vitamine C. Eating too many mandarin oranges causes harm for our palate and teeth.

Especially, we should not eat mandarin oranges when getting hungry, because some substances in this kind of fruit will strongly stimulate our stomach, affecting its normal absorption.

Watermelons cause cold

Watermelons are used to be antypiretic. In hot days, eating some watermelon is good, but this kind of fruit cause cold, eating it usually is not healthy at all, especially for people having digestion problems, usually having a pee at night or having spermatorrhoea.

Bananas inhibit blood vessel

Bananas contain a large amount of Magie. If we eat many bananas when getting hungry, the amount of Mg in plasma will suddenly increase, unbalancing the Mg and Calcium ratio, inhibiting our blood vessel which is not good for health. Therefore, do not eat bananas when getting hungry.

What types of food should I eat if I dont exercise and I want a healthy body?


Im a type 1 diabetic and I’ve been having issues controlling my diabetes because of my weight and my diet. What should I do if I want a healthy diabetic life but also keep my body in tip top shape?

Answers (2):

Answer 1:

i dont know what kinds of food diabetics can eat but,,,here’s a list of the foods i practically survive on, i dont stray too much from this list:
egg whites
veggies (lettuce,cucumber, tomato, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes, occasionally a baked potato..eat salsa with it instead of dressing.. spinache, corn, green beans, etc etc etc, you get the idea
fruits (strawberries, pears, apples, pineapples, peaches, plums, oranges, apples, bananas, mango, grapes, cherries, blueberries,cantalope, watermelon, honeydew etc)
chicken breast (baked or grilled..never fried)
turkey breast
tofu and soy bean products are great, and TASTY!
veggie burgers!
eat turkey burgers instead of hamburgers.
limited amounts of brown rice (never white), whole wheat bread(never white), whole wheat pasta(never the regular spaghetti noodle kind)
fiber one cereal is great to flush you out.
cherries is low calorie (be sure to get the whole grain kind though)
plain oatmeal is great
non fat yogurt (dannon is the least calorie, and greek yogurts are the healthiest)
i drink only water (i eat cereal plain, but if you use milk, use non fat)
no sodas, or sugary drinks)
green tea is good though
if you want other drinks, crystal lite is very low calorie and tastes great
nuts are good, sparingly, because they are high in calorie, but very healthy
peanut butter is filling, healthy, and full of protein, but use sparingly because its high in calorie
if you use jam, use smuckers sugar free (same taste, but 1/5 the calories)
use mustard instead of mayo or ketchup
avacodoes are good on occasion..but limit them because theyre high in calories
dont eat too much bread, rice, pasta, because its high calories, but use wheat when you do
instead of ice cream, eat sugar free frozen yogurt
if you want dessert, eat a fiber one bar..under 150 calories, tons of fiber, and taste like a candy bar!! (the chocolate mocha is my favorite, but peanut butter, and apple struesel are close behind!)
salsa is a good low calorie food, i love it on pototoes, eggs, etc.

i also run cross country. running is great, so is biking, swimming, etc. be active!!

i hope this has helped, i have alot more advice, and good recipes if you want,so if you need any, just email me.
good luck leading a healthy lifestyle, it feels great!!!

Answer 2:

Only eat brocoli and tofu. and on Saturdays eat whatever you want.
you can have low cal. cracker snacks, diet soda (not too much though.), and low cal. energy drink. But drink like 5 servings of water everyday first.
My dad and i tried this and he lost about 30 pounds in a few weeks, and i lost 10. Because i’m pretty young and he has work.

How to lose weight and have a smaller tummy?


How can i lose weight in 3 weeks? Without working out? Is it even possible? Because i really need to have smaller tummy to fit into my prom gown. Help!

Answers (2)

Answer 1:

If you want to lose weight I would suggest first finding out what your BMR (base metabolic rate) is. This basically tells you how many calories you burn while going on with your normal day. You can also use it to see how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. For example, if your BMR is 2000 calories then you should be eating 1500 – 1700 to lose calories.

The second step is to create a meal plan that is at a 500 calorie deficit from your BMR. To help keep your calories low, I suggest eating A LOT of vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. Anything from broccoli and spinach to asparagus and celery is VERY low in calories and it will fill you up; not to mention the numerous nutrients they contain.

It’s also important that you eat enough protein and carbs in your diet. You should be getting the majority of your protein from chicken breast, tuna and turkey breast. These lean meats are packed with protein and are very low in calories and fat. For carbs, eat small amounts of whole wheat bread or a very small amount of oatmeal. I would also suggest leaving fruits for only 1 day week. Fruits are high in fructose and will release insulin in your body. Insulin tends to store fat in your body so leave the fruits to only one day a week. Also, for liquids, drink only water and green tea. Many people don’t realize how many calories they drink, so just keep it simple and drink water and UNSWEETENED green tea.

An example of a good meal would be something like this. The meal would consist of: 55g of turkey breast (it can be deli sliced), 2 slices of whole wheat bread (preferably toasted), 2 tomato slices, 2 pieces of lettuce, and 1 tablespoon of fat free mayo. After toasting the bread you can assemble the sandwich in whichever way you see fit. Don’t try to put more than 1 tablespoon of mayo and don’t add any more spreads, such as cream cheese, to the sandwich. If you would like to add more tomato slices or more lettuce, feel free to do so. The amount of calories and carbs in tomatoes and lettuce is very little and almost insignificant when calculating the macronutrient amounts.

When it comes to exercise, I suggest doing 30 – 40 minute sessions of weight training coupled with 20 minutes of HIIT. For weight training, I would suggest focusing on whole body exercises such as lunges and squats. They can really help with boosting your energy levels up and with losing more calories per workout.

As for HIIT; HIIT exercises are short but intense workouts designed to improve your glucose metabolism, which increases your overall fat burning process, and to improve your athletic capabilities. The normal routine for HIIT is to do 30 – 40 seconds of sprinting and then 15 – 20 seconds of walking, split for 15 – 20 minutes. However, I notice that my clients get burned out by the 20th second of the sprint; therefore, I make them sprint as hard as possible for 20 seconds and then jog lightly for 40 seconds. They still get the same results since, when normal HIIT is done with 30 – 40 second sprints, they get so burned out by the first 20 seconds that the 10 – 20 seconds they have left, ends up being a jog anyway.

I hope you reach your goals! Remember to stay dedicated and focused.

Answer 2:

umm.. you’re not going to get were you want to be without working out!?
the max you can lose by just eating healthy a week is to a few calories to about 2lbs
is it because you’re lazy that you don’t want to work out?
you should work out run 2 miles a day do 30 crunches go to the gym 4 laps around you’re house anything that will help you…
for me i just love working out but i lose about 2lbs like every four days and i am already only 12 1/2 turning 13 in 10 days and 70lbs so i also put several verities for me to eat for me to still be healthy and not lose anymore weight.
Good Luck

What kind of diet is the best for keeping a super healthy body?


what is to avoid?
what is to get besides fruits and vegetables?
what are good mixes?

remember when i say diet , i dont mean to lose weight , but to keep a healthy body…

Oh and if you have unbiased , proven website links post them please!

Answers (2):

Answer 1:

Well, I think a natural diet would be best.

Just eat all organic foods, they will be free of chemicals and preservatives that are man made and added to food.

Some of which can affect the bodies hormones ect.

Try to avoid to many sugary treats but of course allow yourself something nice every once in a while.

Fish is a extremely good food providing oils which are good for your skin, hair and brain 😀

Red meat is good in moderation but remember the human body isn’t designed to digest large amounts so try to stick to only eating it once or twice a week at max.
Try to stick to white meats like poultrey and fish mostly.

Try to avoid to much milk because the human body isn’t designed to digest that either but it isn’t completely off limits, as odd as it may sound full fat is safest it has less sugar added to it.

Stick to natural drinks, such as water, teas and fresh fruit and vegetable juices without preservatives all these will help clean out your body and keep it’s toxin levels down and are full of nutrients.

Snack on things like nuts (the unroasted and unsalted variety) and baby vegetables, but avoid dried fruits because they can have things added to them.

Natural yogurt (if you like it) goes great in a fruit salad.

Don’t peel vegetables because their skin is a great source of fibre which will help you maintain a healthy bowel.

So just snack lightly or graze on vegetables between meals if you get to hungry this will keep your metabolism boosted throughout the day and you won’t be grazing on tempting things.

Try to avoid rich foods such as starchy potatoes, pastas, rice if your going to be eating a lot of meat because the two don’t mix well with each other in a sense that it can be a recipe for a heart attack.

However a little wholegrain rice pasta ect is not a crime just eat in moderation also a great source of fiber.

Answer 2:

Well, everybody needs different things, but in general you want to avoid lots of cholesterol, trans-fat, refined sugar, and refined or artificial anything.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, with a little meat, if you want, but eat lots of fish! Fish is great for your heart and your brain, as it is high on Omega-3 fatty acids (good fats).
Real butter! Do not use margarine! If you had the choice of having a real ipod that’s a little dirty or a cardboard one that looks perfect on the outside which one would you want? Real butter from healthy cows only, though, but never margarine. Even if it doesn’t have trans fat (or claims to not), it is FAKE FOOD – why would you want to eat something that is manufactured out of who knows what? (sorry I’m having fun – I love nutrition)
Eat lots of whole grains instead of refined white flours, and try to get some different grains instead of just wheat (rice, oats, spelt, etc.)

Also, talk to a nutritionist to find out what YOU need, because everyone needs different things.

What is a quick way to lose weight after Easter?


Well it’s Easter! I ate way to much, and need a quick way to lose weight. If I just eat fruits, veggies, and drink lots of water (plus 5 miles on the treadmill a day) will I lose weight?


Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we’ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.

Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few additional small changes – walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars. Continue reading What is a quick way to lose weight after Easter?