Tag Archives: fit

Weight loss: Choosing a diet that’s right for you

Don’t fall for gimmicks when it comes to weight loss. Evaluate diets carefully to find one that’s right for you.

When it comes to weight loss, there’s no shortage of advice. Check any magazine rack or bookstore or surf the Internet, and you’re bound to discover the latest and greatest weight-loss “cures,” from diets that eliminate fat or carbs to those that tout superfoods or special supplements.

With so much conflicting advice and so many weight-loss options, how do you know which diet is the one for you? And which weight-loss programs really work? Here’s how to choose a weight-loss program that’s right for you.

Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts

Before starting a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. He or she can review any medical problems that you have and any medications that you take, and help you set weight-loss goals. You and your doctor can discuss what may be contributing to your weight gain — in rare cases, certain medical conditions or medications can cause unwanted weight gain. And you can discuss how to exercise safely, especially if you have trouble or pain carrying out normal daily tasks.

Talk to your doctor about weight-loss plans you may have tried before and what you liked or didn’t like about them. Be honest with your doctor about fad diets you may be interested in trying. Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.

Consider your personal needs

There’s no single weight-loss diet that will help everyone who tries it. But if you consider your preferences, lifestyle and weight-loss goals, you should be able to find or tailor a diet to suit your individual needs. Before starting another weight-loss program, think about these factors:

  • Your experience with past diets. Think about diets you may have tried before. What did you like or dislike about them? Were you able to follow the diet? What worked or didn’t work for you? How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?
  • Your preferences. Do you prefer to diet on your own, or do you like getting support from a group? If you like group support, do you prefer online support or in-person meetings?
  • Your budget. Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or meals, or to visit weight-loss clinics or attend support meetings. Does the cost of such programs fit your budget?
  • Other considerations. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or allergies? Do you have specific cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences when it comes to food? These are important factors that should help determine which diet you choose. Continue reading Weight loss: Choosing a diet that’s right for you

How to get Fit Body Now

How to get a flat, sexy stomach. First, we have to look at the problem. Think about what you are doing now and how it obviously isn’t working since you’re still looking to get that stomach flatter. Also, remember that we all have abs. They are there. However, getting them to be noticed is the problem. We have to get rid of that layer of fat that covers them. It is a challenge and if you sick through it… you will see results you could never even imagine! Which is the best feeling in the world. Alright so now in order to do this there are two things that need to be focused on: Diet and Exercise.

The Diet:

Now since I don’t know everyone’s body type and how exactly your individual bodies work. You have to work on managing what you need to make it work for you.

  1. Drink lots of water.Personally, I feel like this is the most important thing to do. Drinking water will keep you hydrated and you will keep flushing out all of the bad toxins in your body, which is great! It will also improve your skin. Drinking water also is good to do when you feel hungry at a time you shouldn’t be. Also, you can tell if you are drinking enough by

    Berry your way to a flat stomach!

    simply looking at the color of your pee. If it’s a dark yellow, you need to drink up. The clearer the more hydrated you are.

  2. Fiber. Eat lots of fiber. You can find fiber in fruit and veggies. I say the best thing to eat is broccoli. Making sure you get enough fiber will also help clean out your body by keeping your system regular. It can also help lower your cholesterol. Also, berries are great for trying to get that flat stomach and they are delicious.
  3. Eat 5 meals a day. Try and eat something every 3-4 hours. This will keep your metabolism going. 2 of the 5 meals are snacks… keep those light and healthy to keep you on track. Good snacks are apples and peanut butter, fruit salad, granola, fat-free yogurt anything small and healthy will do. Pick what you like.
  4. No more junk! Get rid of it. Don’t look at it, don’t think about it. Seriously if you want to lose weight in your stomach you have to stop eating chips, ice cream, chocolate, and refrain from fast food as much as you can. If you absolutely need some look to frozen yogurt or sorbet.
  5. Eat. One huge mistake people often make is not eating. This won’t work and it’s not good for you. Also, eat breakfast. You should be hungry in the morning if you are eating light before bed and working out. You will become like me… I look forward to breakfast, it’s my favorite meal! I wake up so hungry. I have no idea how people skip it. Continue reading How to get Fit Body Now

High Protein Diet Menu

If you’re starting a high protein diet, you’re probably nervous about how you’ll fill up your daily menu. After all, don’t most people eat cereal and milk for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and pasta for dinner? The truth is, there are plenty of high protein alternatives that you can rely on to fill you up and keep your satisfied.

Other People Are Reading

  1. Breakfast

    • For breakfast, try some eggs cooked in various ways–scrambled, poached or as an omelette. Throw some meats, cheeses,or a small amount of vegetables in to your eggs. You can also add some toppings to yogurt, such as nuts, soy nuts or fresh fruit. If you’re really on the go, purchase some protein bars that fit to your diet.


    • Lunch on a high-protein diet can be tough. Avoid sandwiches when possible, but use whole grain bread when necessary. Instead, try a salad topped with feta cheese, deli or chicken strips. One lunch that’s surprisingly filling is hearty soup. A soup with meat, beans, vegetables and spices can really fill you up, which makes it the perfect winter dinner. You can make a huge batch of soup and freeze it in small containers so that it will last for weeks.

    • Sponsored Links

      • Michelin Star Menu IdeasFree database reporting newest menu ideas from 144 starred restaurants!


    • High protein foods and dinner seem to go together. Try different types of poultry, meat and fish, and make them the main part of the meal. On the side, serve a salad and a second vegetable. Occasionally, you can include whole grains, such as brown rice, whole grain pita or a whole wheat tortilla in your diet menu. Continue reading High Protein Diet Menu

How to get motivation to lose weight?


So I want to lose some weight this year, I know how to lose the weight but how do I keep myself motivated? I’ve just been so lazy lately, even when it comes to eating healthy. I work at Arby’s and keep eating fried foods on my breaks. And I’m not a big fan of getting in a gym.


You have to want to succeed in being fit as much as you want to breathe! I don’t know if you’ve ever had an asthma attack before, you’re short of breath….you’re wheezing. The only thing you’re trying to do at that moment is to get some fresh air. You don’t care about no basketball game, you don’t care about what is on TV, you don’t care about someone calling you, you don’t care about no party. The only thing you care about when you’re trying to breathe is to get some fresh air, THAT’S IT! And when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe…then you’ll be successful! Many people say they want to be successful but they they don’t want it BAD, they just KINDA want it. This is why we see so many people quit and give up on their New Year’s resolutions by mid February. They don’t want it more than they want to party, they don’t want it more than they want to watch TV, most people don’t want success as much as they want to sleep. If you’re going to be successful you have to be willing to GIVE UP SLEEP. You have to be willing to work off of 3 or 4 hrs of sleep. Because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful…THAT’S HOW BAD YOU HAVE TO WANT IT! As long as you have passion you can do anything you put your mind to. Stop fooling yourself that next year is going to be different than this year if you KEEP MAKING EXCUSES, there are NO EXCUSES. You cannot cheat success, you have to work for it. You have to breath it, you have to eat it, you have to sleep it. You can’t go around it, you can’t go over it, you can’t go under it, the ONLY way to get to it is THROUGH IT! If you wake up and say, maybe I’ll work out today. Let me tell you something, if you think this way, you’re gonna be a loser, you’re never going to make it because there is no MAYBE. I’m not here to tell you about the sunshine and the rainbows. IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT THEN YOU SURE AS HELL WON’T ACHIEVE IT. It’s gotta be up to you. DO YOU want it bad enough? Otherwise, go and take the easy way out, be average. At the end of the day, you’re the only one capable of hurting yourself. I never said this is going to be easy, I’m just saying…it sure as hell is worth it. Failure is part of the recipe for success. You fail a 1,000 times before you succeed,every single person has. It’s the losers who fail once and QUIT. DON’T BE THAT PERSON! The loser and the winner both fail, it’s just that the winner gets back up and does it again. There are no shortcuts in getting the things you want in life. Nothing great ever comes without a sacrifice. Continue reading How to get motivation to lose weight?

7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Too many people have failed too many times at losing weight. What is the secret ingredient, beyond calorie reduction and a change in diet?
It’s really as simple as it gets! The secret to losing weight is…
Stay active!
New research by Oregon Health & Science University scientists reveals that simply reducing caloric intake is not sufficient to promote significant weight loss.
If you want to lose weight, the best way is to increase your metabolism. Diet is not enough! Starvation is fairly inefficient too – the body then goes into conservation mode, which minimizes fat loss. What usually follows is binge eating out of desperate hunger. The additional calories are then converted into even more fat. Not recommended. This is why the majority of diets fail, and this supports a massive industry.
The formula is simple – what we EAT is our energy INTAKE (calories). What we CONSUME for maintaining life, digestion and all metabolic functions (anabolism and catabolism) is referred to as our METABOLISM. Energy IN versus ENERGY CONSUMED is the net result – i.e. what we currently look like.
Calories are how we measure the energy in the food we eat and the energy our body uses. The recommended calories per day for a normal healthy adult are: 2,000 Calories for Women; 2,500 Calories for Men.
Everything requires energy.  Even simply maintaining your posture burns calories. The body is constantly burning the energy produced by respiration to maintain life, and all the associated metabolic processes. The average person requires 20% of their energy for brain functions, and the rest is mostly used to maintain the metabolism of the muscles, organs and tissues.
The best way to burn more calories is to build muscle through resistance training. For each pound of muscle that you gain, you burn approximately 50-70 calories in addition per day (5 pounds of muscle gain equates to burning 250-350 calories a day!) That’s fantastic motivation to start a workout program.  With that in mind here are 7 tips to keep fit, lean and motivated!
1.  Move. Keep moving as much as you can whenever you can.
Some ideas: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Speed-walk instead of ambling along chatting on your phone. Have rigorous sex instead of slow sex. For workout ideas, check out Body Rock TV. If this doesn’t inspire you into action, nothing will!
2.  Avoid all sugar and ‘hidden’ sugars like high-fructose corn syrup. 
Instead of sugar-laden, over-processed hot chocolate, invest in raw cacao – available in your nearest health store or online – an amazing food source of muscle-relaxing magnesium and antioxidants for muscle recovery.
3.  Keep your immune system in great health.
The two primary culprits I come across for suppressed immune function, are fatigue and stress. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, and listen to your body. If you’re going to use supplements, Maca is my number one super food. My favorite immune herbs are Echinacea and Olive leaf extract. Also Andrographis is awesome if you feel a cold coming on. Bee pollen and zinc are worth considering, as well.
4. Keep meal portions small especially if they’re cooked.
If you do eat cooked food, eat it with raw food – as cooked food alone leads to a reactive immune response. Combining raw and cooked is the solution. Keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day via regular nutrient-rich snacks and meals. My favorites are raw nuts and berries, especially delicious with a dab of organic yogurt.
5. Find a great personal trainer and yoga instructor to keep you consistent. 
Commit to regular training and classes at least twice a week. For your workouts, make sure you work out intensely with short bursts of energy, and lots of sweat. For yoga, stay consistent and you’ll get results! Continue reading 7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

How do you keep yourself fit and healthy?


I was pretty active and thin when I first met my bf. Now, 5 years later and 25 pounds heavier I feel like a big fat jello ball. Nowadays I don’t even have the energy to drive to the gym. I want to get back to the way I was and I’m having a hard time. I need some advice and really want to know how some people do it. How do you get yourself to the gym everyday? How do you say no to the chips and ice cream?

How do you keep yourself fit and healthy? 

Thank you!


Answer 1:

Almost same story here…I gained 15 pounds after getting married and I hated myself. I had no energy to exercise and it just kept getting worse!! I think my rock-bottom moment was trying on bathing suits for an upcoming trip to the beach and almost crying because of how I looked! Here is what I did and it has really worked for me so far.

Plan some sort of trip or goal you want to work towards. For me it was that beach trip, when I knew I would have to be in public in a bathing suit. That was enough for me to get off the couch and get moving. Continue reading How do you keep yourself fit and healthy?

How to get your body fit for the beach in just 30 minutes a day

Head off for your summer holiday looking leaner and feeling fitter with our half-an-hour-a-day exercise program.

Jim Subbs

Two weeks is a long time in exercise – if you do the right things. “Abbreviated training” is a way of exercising to the maximum in a short space of time. This program is designed to use the largest amount of muscle mass possible to increase your metabolic activity, both during and after your exercise sessions.

So here’s the deal. For my “Beach-fit in 14 days” program to be effective, you need to commit to exercising for 30 minutes a day for the next two weeks.

Starting tomorrow, I need you to get up an hour earlier each day, and get your workout out of the way before you go to work. Sounds gruelling – but at least this way, you’ll have a better chance of sticking to the regime and achieving your goal.

This program alternates resistance exercises that you can do easily at home (or in a gym, if you prefer), with some cardio-vascular activity. If you cannot walk, jog or run, try an alternative, such as cycling or swimming.

The key to effective exercise is intensity – which is why it is important that you work hard at each element of this program, rather than just go through the motions.

When you perform these exercises – in the combinations outlined opposite – they should leave you out of breath and sweating. You should find that you can speak but that a conversation would be difficult. Be honest with yourself: you should be working at about seven-out-of-10 effort, where one is sitting down with your feet up and 10 is running away from a rabid dog.

I’m going to assume that you have no medical condition that might prevent you from training. At the end of your 30-minute workout, make sure you stretch.

Ready? You will be in just a fortnight…



Kickstart your regime by heading out into the morning sunshine for a warm-up.

Start with some simple, steady shuttle runs – jogging to the end of your garden and back, or between two trees in the park – for 10 minutes. Work to a level where you are out of breath, but not gasping for it. Remember to take sips of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Next, we’re going to start getting your midriff in shape for the beach. Neurologically, the best way to work your abdominal muscles is to engage the deepest layer of muscle first, before working the more superficial ones.

So, for the first week of this program, we are going to focus mainly on the lower abdominals, before moving on to the obliques (sides) and finally the upper abdominals. By engaging the deep muscles first, you will be able to achieve a flatter-looking stomach, which will instantly make you feel more confident in your beachwear.

Do the following exercises in “supersets”, which means alternating between two sets of exercises until you have completed the required number. Rest for 30 seconds between each superset before moving on to the next.

Superset 1

Perform the Alphabet once, then 15 repetitions (reps) of the Ball Cobra.

Superset 2

Perform 15 Reverse Crunches, then assume and hold the Plank position for 30 seconds.

Superset 3

Perform two sets of Oblique Ball Crunches, 10 per side, then 15 Medicine Ball Sit-Ups With Twists.


The body works at a higher intensity for longer if you have regular but short rests, which is the thinking at the heart of interval training.

Rather than aiming for a certain number of reps of a given exercise, you perform as many as you can against the clock. After a timed rest, move on to the next exercise.

You should also stick very closely to the rest times since the rest time effectively dictates the workload on the muscles in this instance.

With today’s routine, beginners should do the exercises for 20 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds; those already in good shape should work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. In total, you should complete eight sets of each exercise before taking 60 seconds’ rest and starting on the next exercise. Now complete these exercises in the order shown.

Body weight squats


The Lunge

Standing Rows

The Cobra


Time for cardiovascular interval training. For this, you’ll need to head outdoors. Take five minutes to warm up with a gentle jog, then alternate running hard for one minute and walking for one minute as recovery. Repeat this minute sprint, minute rest 10 times, before spending five minutes cooling down.


Repeat routine from Day One


Repeat routine from Day Two


A day off!


Repeat routine from Day One



1. THE ALPHABET: Lie on your back, arms by your side, feet together in the air and stomach pulled in tight. Now “draw” the letters of the alphabet in the air with your toes.

2. BALL COBRA: Face down on the exercise ball, hips in the two o’clock position, with toes on
the ground, hands behind the ears. Now raise your body up off the ball so that your spine is straight. Pause, and return slowly to the start position.

3. REVERSE CRUNCH: A good exercise for the lower abdominals. Lie on your back, legs straight up in the air, arms by your side. Slowly lower your legs down towards the floor until you feel your lower back rising from the floor. Keep your feet a few inches off the floor and hold, before slowly returning to the start position.

4. THE PLANK: Assume a press-up position but with your arms bent and your elbows pulled in directly below the shoulders, so you assume a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Hold your abdominals in tight in this position for 30 seconds.

5. OBLIQUE BALL CRUNCHES: Lying sideways over the exercise ball, with your feet against a wall and your hip on the ball in the two o’clock position, cross your arms over your chest and drop sideways over the ball until you feel a stretch in your sides. Pause, and return to start position.

6. MEDICINE BALL SIT UP AND TWIST: Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet flat. Take the medicine ball in both hands and hold it o nthe floor above your head. Now sit up and rotate your upper body slightly to touch the outside of your left hip with the ball. Return slowly to the start position and repeat, this time turning to the right.

7. BODY WEIGHT SQUAT: Stand with your feet just wide of hip-width apart, with your feet slightly turned out. Bend the knees and sit back as if you were going to sit on a chair, until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your spine straight, your head up and chin tucked in. Try to keep the weight in your feet between the mid-foot and the heel. Continue reading How to get your body fit for the beach in just 30 minutes a day

How long should i give myself to healthily lose 10lbs?


I’m 5’3” and weigh 9st 9lbs, which is only just the right BMI for me. I’m pushing overweight, so i figured it couldn’t hurt to try and lose a little and keep fit at the same time ^_^

So whats an acceptable time limit for me to lose 10 lbs?
And what would you say my absolute ideal weight should be?



For toning, just spend 15-20 minutes every night doing sit ups, push ups, and crunches. The best thing to do is start with 10 minutes for a few days, and then add a minute each day. And it’s best to do these exercises at night, just before bed!

Okay, well how fast you lose weight all depends on how much you weigh at the moment. For example, if you were obese then you’d lost weight a lot faster than someone who is an average weight, or just slightly overweight.

It’s pretty easy to lose a stone in a few months. For example, I have lost 18lbs since the beginning of January, which is 1 stone and 4lbs. Continue reading How long should i give myself to healthily lose 10lbs?

10 Reasons to Keep Fit as You Age

A lot of us don’t get the kind of day-to-day physical activity we need, so are physically “unfit.” “Physical activity” means any movement of the body that is made by skeletal muscles – and requires energy to accomplish. “Physical fitness” means the ability of a person to do physical activity. Physical fitness can be measured by determining endurance, power and flexibility.

How physically independent you are depends on how well you can function physically. That is one of the best reasons to stay physically active – but it’s not the only reason. Here’s a list of 10 reasons why you should make physical activity a part of your everyday life.

To be safe, talk with your doctor before you start or add to an exercise plan. Even a little bit of exercise will help.

1. It increases bone density and limits osteoporosis.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis affects more than 10 million men and women while an additional 34 million Americans have low bone mass, putting them at risk for developing osteoporosis. The disease makes your bones weak and brittle. Exercise increases bone strength. The best kinds of exercise to make bones stronger are weight-bearing exercises like walking, and resistance exercises such as lifting weights. But you don’t need to become a competitive walker or body builder. Just living an active lifestyle will help your bones stay strong. (You also need vitamin D and calcium for good bone health.)

2. It helps you stay independent.

The point of being active is to maintain your ability to function. Studies show that people who exercise over their lifetimes can avoid being disabled at the end of their lives. Those who don’t exercise, if they live long enough, are sure to experience disability.

3. It increases metabolism.

Metabolism measures how your body handles and uses nutrients. Strength training increases muscle mass, which raises metabolism. One benefit is that your body uses more of the calories you take in because your resting metabolic rate increases. That leads to less body fat and makes it easier to control your weight. Just being a few pounds overweight puts you at high risk for many health problems.

4. It reduces your risk for falls.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that exercise lets you practice keeping your balance and reacting to things around you. The second is that exercise can help arrest a natural decline in muscle fitness. Exercise will keep your muscles fit. Continue reading 10 Reasons to Keep Fit as You Age