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Is the army currently discharging people for failing pt tests and being overweight?


My unit said last week that people who are overweight and/or pt failures would be chaptered out. Is this a scare tactic or is the army really overstrengthed enough to do this? Any info would help. Thanks.


Answer 1:


The Army also has a program where everyone gets to go to Afghanistan sooner or later. They do not want to send people who can not meet the basic requirements. So if you are over weight or can not pass the fitness test, they will give you a chance to fix the problem and if you do not fix the problem, out you go.

Yes, they are in great shape as far as manning. 2009 was the first time since the start of the all volunteer army that they got all the qualified recruits they wanted. And this year is looking the same. With such high quality troops coming on board, they do not need to keep the fat slugs.

It is really a time to “shape up or ship out.” And FYI, if you do get chaptered out they could give you a general discharge under honorable conditions, which means no GI Bill or other benefits.

Answer 2:

At any time the unit can start the chapter for failing to be with with in 600-9 standards. (being fat) but there are rules. you have to be taped, and counseled. they have to set a meeting with a nutritionist who will monitor your progress. you have to be taped every month to track progress. if you improve then you have 12 months to get back to army standards. if you fail to do that, they can kick you out. Many units don’t do this. almost none consult a nutritionist either. but this has always been a policy. if you are fat then i sugest you ready AR 600-9

Now if you fail a PT test you should be flagged. no promotions or anything “good” and then counseled. but i think you can fail 3 times in a row and must be the same failed event, before they are allowed to start chapter paperwork. like always the run. it can’t be run this month then sit ups the next month. they must also have a extra PT time set aside and the unit is charged with insuring that you are working on improving. but really the PT test isn’t hard. how can you fail it 3 times in a row?

it is a week scare tactic at best. but life is always better when you follow the rules

Answer 3:

Absolutely they can. AR 635-200 Chapter 13 Section 13-1 and 13-2 gives Commanders the authority to separate a soldier when it is determined the he/she is unqualified for further military service because of unsatisfactory performance. Continue reading Is the army currently discharging people for failing pt tests and being overweight?