Tag Archives: fake food

What kind of diet is the best for keeping a super healthy body?


what is to avoid?
what is to get besides fruits and vegetables?
what are good mixes?

remember when i say diet , i dont mean to lose weight , but to keep a healthy body…

Oh and if you have unbiased , proven website links post them please!

Answers (2):

Answer 1:

Well, I think a natural diet would be best.

Just eat all organic foods, they will be free of chemicals and preservatives that are man made and added to food.

Some of which can affect the bodies hormones ect.

Try to avoid to many sugary treats but of course allow yourself something nice every once in a while.

Fish is a extremely good food providing oils which are good for your skin, hair and brain 😀

Red meat is good in moderation but remember the human body isn’t designed to digest large amounts so try to stick to only eating it once or twice a week at max.
Try to stick to white meats like poultrey and fish mostly.

Try to avoid to much milk because the human body isn’t designed to digest that either but it isn’t completely off limits, as odd as it may sound full fat is safest it has less sugar added to it.

Stick to natural drinks, such as water, teas and fresh fruit and vegetable juices without preservatives all these will help clean out your body and keep it’s toxin levels down and are full of nutrients.

Snack on things like nuts (the unroasted and unsalted variety) and baby vegetables, but avoid dried fruits because they can have things added to them.

Natural yogurt (if you like it) goes great in a fruit salad.

Don’t peel vegetables because their skin is a great source of fibre which will help you maintain a healthy bowel.

So just snack lightly or graze on vegetables between meals if you get to hungry this will keep your metabolism boosted throughout the day and you won’t be grazing on tempting things.

Try to avoid rich foods such as starchy potatoes, pastas, rice if your going to be eating a lot of meat because the two don’t mix well with each other in a sense that it can be a recipe for a heart attack.

However a little wholegrain rice pasta ect is not a crime just eat in moderation also a great source of fiber.

Answer 2:

Well, everybody needs different things, but in general you want to avoid lots of cholesterol, trans-fat, refined sugar, and refined or artificial anything.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, with a little meat, if you want, but eat lots of fish! Fish is great for your heart and your brain, as it is high on Omega-3 fatty acids (good fats).
Real butter! Do not use margarine! If you had the choice of having a real ipod that’s a little dirty or a cardboard one that looks perfect on the outside which one would you want? Real butter from healthy cows only, though, but never margarine. Even if it doesn’t have trans fat (or claims to not), it is FAKE FOOD – why would you want to eat something that is manufactured out of who knows what? (sorry I’m having fun – I love nutrition)
Eat lots of whole grains instead of refined white flours, and try to get some different grains instead of just wheat (rice, oats, spelt, etc.)

Also, talk to a nutritionist to find out what YOU need, because everyone needs different things.