I have a friend who is vegan at home as a way to lose weight, and then is vegetarian when she goes out because it is too hard to be vegan…. thoughts?
Answer 1:
To fault her for having a different motivation for her diet is silly at best, elitist at worst.
Since when is there only one motivation for any decision? Since when is one motivation legitimate where all others aren’t? So she’s limiting her intake of animal foods for health reasons. So what? Would you rather take away her right to choose what she puts in her body because it isn’t “the right one”? Of course not, that’s totally absurd.
If a vegan diet is helping her reach her health goals, that’s great and she deserves your encouragement and support. That her motivation is weight loss doesn’t make her any less sincere than someone who is worried about the environment, world hunger, animal rights, or upsetting their spirit animal. Continue reading What do you think of people that go vegan as a way to lose weight?