Tag Archives: egg

What do you think of people that go vegan as a way to lose weight?


I have a friend who is vegan at home as a way to lose weight, and then is vegetarian when she goes out because it is too hard to be vegan…. thoughts?


Answer 1:

To fault her for having a different motivation for her diet is silly at best, elitist at worst.

Since when is there only one motivation for any decision? Since when is one motivation legitimate where all others aren’t? So she’s limiting her intake of animal foods for health reasons. So what? Would you rather take away her right to choose what she puts in her body because it isn’t “the right one”? Of course not, that’s totally absurd.

If a vegan diet is helping her reach her health goals, that’s great and she deserves your encouragement and support. That her motivation is weight loss doesn’t make her any less sincere than someone who is worried about the environment, world hunger, animal rights, or upsetting their spirit animal.  Continue reading What do you think of people that go vegan as a way to lose weight?


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

The vast majority of people I know have two different types of work: the kind that pays the bills, and the kind they wrap their heart around.

For some people, those are one and the same, but often that takes time, dedication, and a willingness to blur the traditional boundaries that separate work and social life.

Because let’s face it: It’s not always easy to make a living doing something you love.

The first challenge is to figure out what that is; and it’s often complicated by what we think weshould do based on what other people think and what we’ve done up until now.

The next step is to figure out how to do it smart. It’s all good and well to decide to you want to run an online fitness, beauty, or personal development empire, but unless you have a unique value proposition and a solid idea of who needs your services and why, you could end up just spinning your wheels.

And then there’s the easiest part, which is simultaneously the hardest: the choice to work on your dream every day, knowing there are no guarantees, and that it may take a long time to make the kind of progress that allows you to devote your full-time energy to your passion.

This has been my experience with Tiny Buddha, and it’s the same with people who have contacted me for help with their blogs. Everyone wants the freedom to do more of what they enjoy and less of what they don’t.

What makes this kind of complicated is that turning a passion into work can sometimes strip the joy out of it, particularly when you give up freedom now in the pursuit of freedom tomorrow.

Really, that’s what we’re doing when cram our hours full of tasks that leave little time for play and decompression: We’re deciding tomorrow’s possibilities are more important than today’s. Continue reading WORK/LIFE BALANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH BIG DREAMS