Tag Archives: drinks

Can I lose weight by exercising and drinking only water without a restricting diet?


I want to lose about 30-40lbs but I don’t want to do a restricting diet only to gain the weight back as soon as I reach my goal weight and stop dieting. Right now I eat between 1700-2100 calories per day and I use the elliptical machine for 35 minutes daily. For fluid intake, I am only drinking water. Can I still lose weight this way?


Good Question. The basic answer is: Yes! You can absolutely lose weight just by exercising. In fact, it is better to lose weight more by exercising than by dieting (like you mentioned, dieting with your calorie intake too low can slow the metabolism and cause you to regain weight). Exercise will speed up your metabolism and burn calories at the same time! The exact amount will depend upon your height, weight, age, etc. I’ll post a general guide below for you that I typed for another answer. I’ll keep her specific info in there so you can see how it applied for her. She didn’t want to have to diet (asked to ignore the “diet portion”), but was exercising and wanted to know how much weight she could lose in 5-6 months. Just so you know where my numbers were coming from, she was 188 pounds, 5′6″, and 17 years old, walking 2.2 miles/day for 30 minutes, and wanting to lose 40 pounds in 5 months (as with most people, she’s setting an awfully fast weight loss goal; the turtles keep the weight off better than the hares!). Continue reading Can I lose weight by exercising and drinking only water without a restricting diet?

“Obesity Will Crush the United States into Oblivion”

America’s collective waistline is about to expand, if we’re not careful. On Monday the American Journal of Preventative Medicine released a study predicting that 42 percent of Americans will be obese by 2030.

The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution–Eat This, Not That 2012!

The researchers, who examined data from 1990 to 2008 to make projections, predict that the obesity rate will climb by a third and the severe-obesity prevalence (what is severe obesity?) will jump 130 percent over the next two decades. In addition to putting millions of Americans’ health at risk, we’ll be paying an estimated $549.5 billion in health care costs as a result.

The research was presented at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Weight of the Nation conference, which coincides with the upcoming HBO documentary by the same name—a collaboration between the CDC, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, and Kaiser Permanente. The four-part HBO special, which airs May 14 and 15 and streams online, touches on the dangers of America’s growing obesity epidemic. “Obesity will crush the United States into oblivion,” comments Susan Combs Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts in the program’s trailer.

How Sugary Drinks Make You Gain

But it’s not all gloom and doom. At the conference, the IOM presented potential ways to tackle America’s weight woes. The IOM committee looked at more than 800 obesity prevention measures and narrowed them down to five critical goals:

1.    Integrating physical activity into people’s daily lives
2.    Making healthy food and beverage options widely accessible
3.    Changing the way nutrition and activity as marketed
4.    Making schools a vehicle for keeping kids at a healthy weight
5.    Rousing health care professionals to support healthy lifestyles

“Individuals and groups can’t solve this complex problem alone, and that’s why we recommend changes that can work together at the societal level and reinforce one another’s impact to speed our progress,” said committee chair Dan Glickman, executive director of congressional programs, Aspen Institute and former secretary of the USDA.

What’s more, they named a few specific strategies to meet these goals, including requiring 60 minutes of physical activity per day in schools, establishing industry-wide guidelines on the foods that can be marketed at children, and increasing the low-calorie, healthy options for kids’ restaurant meals.  Continue reading “Obesity Will Crush the United States into Oblivion”

What are the risks of being very overweight and pregnant?


I am 32 and overweight, but definitely working it off as much as possible. I want to start trying to conceive in Feb. but I will still have a long way to go with my weight. I am wondering if it will be okay to get pregnant then because I don’t want to be pregnant at too old of an age. I am already concerned that 32 is a little old…. even though I realize women are giving birth at much older ages now.


Answer 1

Here’s some really great info for you. Kudos to you for trying so hard to lose all the weight, the closer you are to your goal weight, the better for you and baby!!

During pregnancy overweight women are subject to risk of miscarriage, preeclampsia, diabetes and hypertension to a greater degree. While heightened sugar content in blood a baby, as a rule, turns to be too big, what fraught with Cesarean section, as during delivery big fetus can cause additional problems for a woman: breakages, bleeding.

You should not think that it is good to give birth to a big baby. You can receive “empty” calories from sugar and receive less important proteins, amino acids and fats. Moreover, big babies are often born prematurely. Doctors note that during recent time there’s just an epidemic of giving birth to big babies, increasing statistics of Cesarean sections beyond the clouds.

Hypertension and preeclampsia often lead to Cesarean section. Heightened blood pressure causes bad penetrability of blood vessels. Sudden increase of blood pressure during delivery can lead to blood-stroke, and baby may receive not enough quantity of blood. Placenta is supplied with blood not enough, fetus does not receive enough nutrition, moreover, you need to remember, that overweight women’s Cesarean section itself is accompanied by certain difficulties because of excesses of abdominal fat.

Overweight women have heightened risk of preeclampsia – toxicosis on late terms of pregnancy. Work of kidneys breaks, hence goes albumen in urine, edemas. Supply of nutritive materials through placenta to baby reduces. Fetus has pre-natal lack of oxygen. In such cases babies with too small weight are born. They may suffer from diseases, connected with defect of brain nutrition: neurologic diseases, convulsive syndromes.

During delivery most typical complications for overweight women are: heightened blood loss, infections of urinary tracts and defect of baby’s shoulders during vaginal delivery. Such babies need help in neonatology department much more often, as a result of problems with nutrition and unstable body temperature.

If you are overweight and are going to have a baby, then future pregnancy – is the best cause to start changing your habits, leading to adiposity: move more and eat right way. Many women succeed in this, as interests of baby health prevail over weak will. Moreover, if overweight women switch to a strict dietary nutrition during pregnancy (but not to starvation), then after delivery they will be able to lose much weight. Risk of complications will be reduced to minimum, if you grow thin in time. Continue reading What are the risks of being very overweight and pregnant?

What is a good healthy diet plan for a 15 year old?


Ok so i want a good diet plan that i can stick to during the summer. i dont like eating loads of junk food and feeling bad about it afterwards. haha! so anyways im starting swimming and going to the gym during the summer because i want to be more fit!
any ideas on like how much i should swim a day and what should i d in the gym and what diet plan should i follow? thanks!!


Answer 1:

MODERATION IS KEY. So are serving sizes.

Peanut Butter can make u fat. 2 spoon fulls is all ur aloud or u’ll blow up. its loaded with Calories
get an exersize ball for 20 bucks

DOnt target one area, its pointless. do some Cardio and loose it all.

The fit tv channell (222) can give u some good exersizes, or you can try the On Demand Fitness section and they’ll show u how to work ur belly. thats what i do

they’ll show u how to dance and everything. why buy dancing videos or take dancing classes when u can get it free on DEMAND>

whatever gets u up off the couch and keeps u moving will help

AVOID salty peanuts like cashews.

Diets dont work. Eat all low calories and avoid white rice. Switch to whole wheat bread and plain cheerios with weight watchers yogurt. Drink alot of whatever and eat alot of fruit. Avoid “sugar free” and eat fat free. Avoid all juices made with corn syrup. Drink alot of milk. No pop, even diet. Dont eat pizza, burgers and fries (its cooked in grease). Dont eat buttery popcorn and only eat popcorn because u feel like eating and but u dont need to. Dont eat chicken or chicken sandwhiches unless they were “grilled.” Eat fish.
there u go.

Grilled or boiled is the healthiest. Fried and greasy is most hurtful unless its grilled in Olive oil.
Avoid TV dinners and processed foods.

DONT EAT HOTDOGS!! try link sausages. Dont water ur food down in sauces like ketchup. Use less sauce

Eat “i cant believe its not butter”, its good stuff

if u buy a McDonald’s salad, dont use thier sauce packet. its loaded with fat and salt. Use ur own salad dressing thats less fattening. Order milk or apple juice at mcdonalds and try moderation. If u want a cookie, only eat 2. if u want ice cream, only eat 1 scoop (or just order the ice cream sunday cup at mcdonalds, thats a fair serving size. STOP eatting cones. its too many calories. NO bowls either.), etc. manage ur serving sizes and try to only eat those kindda snacks when ur gonna do some walking or exersize so u’ll burn up what u eat.

Thats the reason we’re fat, mind you. We eat more than our metabolism can burn up so that extra food gets stored.

Only eat what u can burn up, and then after that just eat popcorn and fruit. Be sure to go for walks to get some cardio in. Any type of cardio will help. Cardio is the only way to exersize and loose weight
p.s.– if u wanted to eat pizza, you’d have to remove the cheese and meat and only eat the crust so its a waste of money.

Almonds help burn belly fat. eat 28 a day. if u eat more than 28, you’ll get fat. almonds have good natural fats and oils the body need and eating 28 of them can make u feel full and replace a meal for u.

Eat sunflower seeds, its the same effect that the plain popcorn has. Chew on those if u just feel like chewing on something. avoid gum, even trident.

use Spenda, Sucralose, or Aspartame in your food and drinks. (it may be nasty at first, but once ur taste buds adjust to it, it’ll be DELICIOUS.)
Only eat baked patatoe chips, and Murray’s sugar free cookies. eat dry fruit

AVOID CEREAL BARS…they’ll make u fatter.
get more home cooked meals, prefferably alot of beans.

Avoid Hi-C. a beverage can make u extremely fat. it can be like eating an extra meal.

thats my diet, it works

What is a quick way to lose weight after Easter?


Well it’s Easter! I ate way to much, and need a quick way to lose weight. If I just eat fruits, veggies, and drink lots of water (plus 5 miles on the treadmill a day) will I lose weight?


Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we’ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.

Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few additional small changes – walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars. Continue reading What is a quick way to lose weight after Easter?