Tag Archives: cucumber

6 types of food for very fast weight loss

If you have already tried every means without losing your fat waist size, just try the following ways.
In addition to exercise, food also plays an important role in women’s weight loss. By balancing the regimen, especially by adding more foods for fast weight loss, you will easily deal with the amount of unnecessary fat and take back your slender body like the one you had in your girlhood.
The foods below are listed in “super foods for slimmers” because of their plentiful amount of vitamins and minerals which help balance the regimen and promote the metabolism. Thus, increasing the use of these foods at the beginning of your weight-loss time is extremely important to gain the desired body.

1. Waky pumpkin

The waky pumpkin contains a lot of potassium, vitamins and fibrous matters necessary for a healthy weight loss. Besides, the small amount of calories in the waky pumpkin makes you feel secure when using it. This kind of vegetable can be used to make soups, fry, boil or make salads, helping increase appetite and reduce the amount of starch entering into the body.

2. Turnip

Green salad is still a great suggestion for slimmers. Therefore, adding the turnip to your favorite green salad with cucumber and salad helps you get a slender body. The turnip contains a lot of vitamins C, B6 and potassium, bringing about a healthy and young body. In addition, eating turnip helps you have the full feeling.

3. Black beans

Black beans provide you with necessary fibrous matters to promote the metabolism. This is a perfect kind of food with less calories and saturated fatty substances; thus, you can eat a lot without worrying about putting on weight at meals.

4. Onion

In spite of the natural smell making you feel anxious when make communications, onion can surprisingly help you lose weight. Onion contains a lot of minerals and natural oils helping destroy accumulated fat in your body. Regularly using onion helps you burn a large amount of calories.

5. Fennel

According to a recent research, fennel considerably provides water for our body and reduces the accumulation of fat. With fennel, you can make delicious fish soups or attractive fried meals with soya curds and vegetables.

6. Oyster

This delicious, nutritious, sweet-smelling and cheap food turns out to be a wonderful food for healthy and fast weight loss thanks to the omega 3 in it. Orster is also a food containing a lot of zincs and fat acids which help guarantee the metabolism. Moreover, oyster can also keep a certain amount of sugar in our blood to remain the full feeling.