It can be difficult to find out ahead of time how much a medical procedure or test will cost you. Even your physician can be in the dark about this all important consideration.
Costs for health care services vary throughout the country, and different insurance companies may negotiate for different rates for services with providers and health care organizations. Call your insurance company to see if you can get an estimate for a service, and check to see whether your state offers an insurance web site for average pricing information.
Unfortunately, it may be difficult to get a price because medical costs are figured after insurance claims information is submitted to the billing department and processed.
If you want to estimate your costs ahead of time for a procedure or test, these websites are a good starting point:
APCD Council is a federation of government, private, non-profit, and academic organizations working to improve the development and deployment of state-based all payer claims databases (APCD). Pricing is based on claims data collected from insurers, Medicaid, and Medicare. Some states have consumer websites that are up and running like New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts.
FAIR Health is a national independent, not-for-profit corporation that uses a database of billions of billed medical and dental services to power a free website that enables consumers to estimate and plan their medical and dental expenditures. The website also offers clear, unbiased educational articles and videos about the healthcare insurance reimbursement system. Call 888-288-1441for more information.
Healthcare Blue Book is a free guide to help determine fair prices in your area for healthcare services. It is especially helpful for people who pay for healthcare out of pocket, have a high deductible or need a service that their insurance does not cover. Continue reading How Much Will Your Health Care Cost?