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What kinds of food can I eat if I want to become a vegetarian?


I am thinking about becoming a vegetarian. I need to lose weight and it’s been hard. I only gained instead of lost even though I cut down on how much I usually eat. What kinds of food should I avoid and what foods can I eat? If I eat salad, is the dressing vegetarian?


Answer 1:

A vegetarian diet is a wonderful healthy way to lose weight and maintain weight loss… if you are smart about it. Too many vegetarians eat way too much cheese and dairy, which are full of fat. Have a smart eating plan formulated, and discuss this with your doctor. If you are not making this change based on animal rights or environmental concerns, you may have an easier transition if you begin limiting meat but keeping eggs and dairy. Maybe eggs are fine for you, but you don’t want to eat seafood. Maybe no animal products at all will work better. See what feels right to you, your body, and your conscious. You can always try out different levels of vegetarianism, it can vary depending on your needs at the time. Continue reading What kinds of food can I eat if I want to become a vegetarian?