Tag Archives: calorie

What would the effects of running a mile every other day whilst maintaining a low carb diet be?


I am on a low-carb diet (Atkins) and have been for several weeks. I’ve now started thinking about exercise and the easiest way I feel, is running. I know a good circuit around my village which ads up to just over a mile. 
If I were to run this every other day (resting between days), how would this affect my fat burning programme?
And how long would it take for there to be visible changes? 

Cheers 🙂


You should have twice the benefits combining low carb with exercise *IF* you eat enough calories (additional calories are required for increased physical exertion). With Atkins program, it’s better to have to many calories than not enough to keep the metabolism in top fat burning mode.

I highly recommend low carb way of eating for optimal health. It takes 3-6 weeks for the body to become fully fat adapted to perform athletically but the body does convert *if* carb cycling is not used. Athletes studied said their performance was effected the first week or so but recovered to full athletic ability within a few weeks.
For bodybuilders, low carb creates lean tissues even without working out, working out should create even more muscle mass. When insulin dominates the blood stream, testosterone & human growth hormone (HGH) aren’t produced, which are both anabolic hormones & contribute to muscle growth. Excess protein is converted to glucose *unless* dietary fat levels are greater than 80% of dietary calories, then I believe that excess protein is forced to create lean tissues (just as excess carbohydrates are forced to create fat tissues). Continue reading What would the effects of running a mile every other day whilst maintaining a low carb diet be?

How have you lost weight in the past? Did a doctor help?


I am about 35-40 lbs overweight and have a doctor’s appt tomorrow. I have asked different doc’s in the past for their help and one referred me to a nutritionist who said “just follow the pyramid”. Gee, thanks. I didn’t know I should eat that many veggies per day (that’s sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell). I know HOW to lose weight, but the motivation, temptation, and picky eater syndrome gets in the way. I was wondering if you thought my doctor would actually help me…or just blow me off.

Also, if you have lost ~40 lbs, I’d love to know how you did it…be specific. Did you research? Did you join a program? Take a pill? Make up your own program and stick with it?


Answer 1:

I lost 60 kg (130+ pounds) over the last couple of years. Did it slowly by firstly strictly watching what I eat and then walking for exercise. It took 3 months before I could walk further than a mile or so – by the end of 12 months I was walking for an hour and a half daily and covering about 6 miles (10 kms).
You have to make your mind up to do it and set goals. Every time you reach a goal then reward yourself (new clothes or stuff that will make you feel good).
You need to build a strong resolve and stick to your guns. However dont beat yourself up if you have the occassional bad day, just start again the next day.
The motivation must come from within you – no other reason is good enough, do it for you. – Good Luck!!!

Answer 2:

1) I learned why I overate. I wrote in a food journal for a month before I changed anything. I looked at which meals I ate at most often, when I snacked, etc. After awhile I noticed a pattern.

2) I learned how to eat in moderation. Weight loss is a lifestyle change, and the lifestyle I wanted to change was moderation. Now I can enjoy my steak or chocolate cake, but I don’t have to eat the whole thing to feel satisfied. I ate the veggies and fruits, but I also let myself have a little free room. I knew I would mess up. This isn’t about calorie counting or dieting unless you want to do that for the rest of your life.

3) I stepped off of the scale. Instead of depending on the scale as my tell all sign of my health, I focused on my clothing. I measured myself monthly and weighed myself weekly, but I knew that if I were to gain muscle then the scale wouldn’t really be accurate to tell how healthy I really was.

4) I exercised each night–I ran 12 minutes. When I say that I ran for 12 minutes, I mean I ran for 12 minutes. If I walked for 30, that’s fine but I RAN for 12 minutes. I kept up with it. Within 3 months I lost over 50 inches over my body. I went from a 16 to a size 12.

5) Reward yourself…but not with food. When I went down to a size 14, I bought myself a new dress. When I dropped to a size 12, I bought myself a new pair of shoes and a matching purse. Now my husband has made me the promise that when I drop to a size 10 we’ll splurge and buy an outfit I really want from my favorite store I couldn’t go into becuase of my size.

6) If you need help, try Weight Watchers. They don’t require you to buy anything special and it’s relatively easy. You don’t depend on any pills or foods, and instead the weight loss is based on how amazing of a woman YOU are! Continue reading How have you lost weight in the past? Did a doctor help?

7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

Too many people have failed too many times at losing weight. What is the secret ingredient, beyond calorie reduction and a change in diet?
It’s really as simple as it gets! The secret to losing weight is…
Stay active!
New research by Oregon Health & Science University scientists reveals that simply reducing caloric intake is not sufficient to promote significant weight loss.
If you want to lose weight, the best way is to increase your metabolism. Diet is not enough! Starvation is fairly inefficient too – the body then goes into conservation mode, which minimizes fat loss. What usually follows is binge eating out of desperate hunger. The additional calories are then converted into even more fat. Not recommended. This is why the majority of diets fail, and this supports a massive industry.
The formula is simple – what we EAT is our energy INTAKE (calories). What we CONSUME for maintaining life, digestion and all metabolic functions (anabolism and catabolism) is referred to as our METABOLISM. Energy IN versus ENERGY CONSUMED is the net result – i.e. what we currently look like.
Calories are how we measure the energy in the food we eat and the energy our body uses. The recommended calories per day for a normal healthy adult are: 2,000 Calories for Women; 2,500 Calories for Men.
Everything requires energy.  Even simply maintaining your posture burns calories. The body is constantly burning the energy produced by respiration to maintain life, and all the associated metabolic processes. The average person requires 20% of their energy for brain functions, and the rest is mostly used to maintain the metabolism of the muscles, organs and tissues.
The best way to burn more calories is to build muscle through resistance training. For each pound of muscle that you gain, you burn approximately 50-70 calories in addition per day (5 pounds of muscle gain equates to burning 250-350 calories a day!) That’s fantastic motivation to start a workout program.  With that in mind here are 7 tips to keep fit, lean and motivated!
1.  Move. Keep moving as much as you can whenever you can.
Some ideas: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Speed-walk instead of ambling along chatting on your phone. Have rigorous sex instead of slow sex. For workout ideas, check out Body Rock TV. If this doesn’t inspire you into action, nothing will!
2.  Avoid all sugar and ‘hidden’ sugars like high-fructose corn syrup. 
Instead of sugar-laden, over-processed hot chocolate, invest in raw cacao – available in your nearest health store or online – an amazing food source of muscle-relaxing magnesium and antioxidants for muscle recovery.
3.  Keep your immune system in great health.
The two primary culprits I come across for suppressed immune function, are fatigue and stress. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, and listen to your body. If you’re going to use supplements, Maca is my number one super food. My favorite immune herbs are Echinacea and Olive leaf extract. Also Andrographis is awesome if you feel a cold coming on. Bee pollen and zinc are worth considering, as well.
4. Keep meal portions small especially if they’re cooked.
If you do eat cooked food, eat it with raw food – as cooked food alone leads to a reactive immune response. Combining raw and cooked is the solution. Keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day via regular nutrient-rich snacks and meals. My favorites are raw nuts and berries, especially delicious with a dab of organic yogurt.
5. Find a great personal trainer and yoga instructor to keep you consistent. 
Commit to regular training and classes at least twice a week. For your workouts, make sure you work out intensely with short bursts of energy, and lots of sweat. For yoga, stay consistent and you’ll get results! Continue reading 7 Tips to Keep Fit, Lean & Motivated

I want to lose weight but i can’t?


Okay so I’m overweight and in middle school but i always look at videos to motivate me to loseweight and i exercise but i keep on forgetting about controlling my appetite and the next day i think nahh i’m not going to exercise anymore.I also don’t have gyms around me and i can’t afford a treadmill. What should i do?!


Answer 1:

well you have to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “i am going to eat less and work out and lose weight.” firmly like you know it’s going to happen.
look at your calorie intake
girls = between 1800 and 2500 depending on your weight/age/how much you exercise
boys = 2000 – 2500 is acceptable.
guys naturally have to eat a bit more since they grow more in a small amount of time.

you don’t have to have fancy shmancy equipment to work out.

you can do jumping jacks, jack knives (amazing work out i might add) plank, push ups, sit ups, crunches all that stuff and you can go take a walk EVERY DAY after dinner.
since you’re in school, what my P.E. teacher told me was you only really learn for 30 minutes at a time so when she was in University, she did homework 30 minutes, then she went for a 10 minute run, then she came back for 30 minutes and that’s how she learned AND stayed fit.
all you need is a street / side walk and you’re good to go. Continue reading I want to lose weight but i can’t?

How can I maximise my fat loss?


I eat 3 healthy meals and two snacks daily, and I run twice a day, each time for at least 15 minutes. Though I eat healthy and exercise, I am seeing no difference in the amount of fat on my body, especially the stomach area. I am 16, about 5 foot 5, and weight about 128lbs, so I am not overweight, I am just trying to get rid of additional stomach fat.

How can I maximise my fat loss?


Answer 1:

your meals may be healthy, but are they low calorie? youre biggest thing is to figure out your caloric intake to stay at the weight you are at now, then subtract 500 calories from your diet a day. also, it is a common misconception that you should eat 3 big meals a day and snack in between, this is what your real meals should look like (though the servings will be off because i dont know your weight)

say you wake up at 8 am ok

8 am : 15-20 min cardio then a recovery shake.. something to put back electrolytes. also take your multivitamin in the morning

9 am : fruit, dairy, protein ex) egg whites only and milk bananas are higher than most fruits in calories so try berries

11:30 am : snack, this should be a small snack like string cheese or yogurt something like that

2:00 pm : protein veggie dressing so maybe, chicken salad with light dressing

5:00 pm: snack, again something small to curb your hunger it can be a fruit or veggie celery and pb make a good snack and give you a serving of veggie and protein

8:00 pm: carb veggie protein fat ex) you could have like chicken tacos; corn tortillas chicken veggies- also when i say fat you do need some fat in your diet. stay away from saturated fat and trans fat, you need monounsaturated and polyunsaturated those are good fats.

its up to you when you take in your carbs, some people say its better to take them in the morning so you are able to burn the calories through out the day. it really depends on when you do your second workout if youre looking to maximize fat loss, you should exercise 2 times a day cardio in the morning and then specific area in the evening like abs one day upper body the next legs and butt the next.. always switch it up.. dont overdo one area with out giving it time to recover..its like beating a dead horse.

you want to make sure youre taking in sufficient amount of fiber, this will regulate your digestive system.. as gross as it sounds the average person carries an extra 4-8lbs of body weight in stool because they are not eliminating regularly (at least once a day)
be sure to take in foods that are antioxidants.. if you notice you feel sluggish and tired even though youve gotten plenty of sleep (8-10hrs) then chances are youre not gettin the antioxidants you need Continue reading How can I maximise my fat loss?

Limit Fat and Sugar

Remember that a calorie is always a calorie whether it comes from fat or carbohydrate. Reducing fat and saturated fat in your family’s diet is important to maintaining heart health and reducing calories. However, fat-free or reduced-fat food choices aren’t always low in calories. They can be high in sugar or other nutrients that increase calories.

Some reduced-fat or fat-free foods provide almost the same number of calories as the regular food. They are not the solution to weight loss. This is especially true if you think you can eat more of a reduced-fat food than you would eat of a regular item. For example:

  • A 30-gram serving of reduced-fat chocolate chip cookies (three cookies) contains 118 calories, while an equal serving of the regular version has 142 calories.
  • A one-ounce serving of baked tortilla chips has 113 calories, versus 143 calories for the same amount of regular tortilla chips.
  • A two tablespoon serving of fat-free caramel topping contains the same number of calories (103) as an equal amount of homemade caramel topping with butter.

See a more detailed comparison of fat-free or reduced-fat calorie versus regular prepared food items.

It is important to limit fat and sugar in your family’s diet. Fat has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrate, so it’s easy to see that reducing fat is important to energy balance.

Sugar is found naturally in some foods, like fructose in fruits or lactose in milk. However, sugar is added to many prepared foods and drinks like high-fructose corn syrup in sweetened beverages and breakfast cereals.

Health experts offer several reasons why it is important to cut back on the consumption of these products or cut out sugar from your diet in other ways:

  • Studies show that people who consume many foods and drinks with added sugar tend to consume more calories than people who consume fewer of these foods. They also show a link between weight gain and drinking sweetened beverages. Cutting back on added sugars, especially from sweetened beverages such as regular soda and fruit punch, can help you and your family maintain a healthy weight. Continue reading Limit Fat and Sugar

What is the fastest way to lose weight?


I want to lose about 10 pounds. I went from 145 pounds down to 122 pounds but I just stopped losing weight and its hard for me to lose weight now.


Answer 1:

Weight loss is perhaps one of the biggest concerns throughout the western world today. As life goes on people throughout our society are getting more and more concerned about weight and health problems. There are a lot of reasons for this. Everybody has his or her own reasons for wanting to lose weight and inches. How you approach losing weight is far more important than your personal reasons for wanting to lose the weight. It is not good to lose weight without regard for consequences or costs. There are plenty of different ways that you can lose pounds (and inches too). If you are concerned about how to lose weight keep reading. We will help you find a way that works for you! Continue reading What is the fastest way to lose weight?